Tuesday, October 19, 2010


have been wanting to post for a very long time but just don't have the mood or find the time to. JJ was v sick last week so he "pontang" school for 3 days. What else! but bough again. Poor boy :( But boy, was he happy! Wed, we went City Square after seeing doc. Friday, I brought him to Paragon with my friends' gathering. he likes shopping center! haha. He also likes to go to "mum-mum place" aka coffeeshop near my place. Go "oh-up" aka lift cos it says going up! And last but not least ==> PLAYGROUND! :)

I love my babies very very much. While mummy is still at home, I will try to take care of u to the best of my abilities.

These days will think twice before I spend on things like pedi, magazines. will pause and think "do i really need it?" unless i'm in a really bad mood n needs retail therapy then it's a different story. haha.

These few days have been really pretty tiring. Celeste is getting worst with her cough and it caused alot of wind in her tummy. She will cry with high shrieks when she feels uncomfortable especially feeding time. Must put ruyi oil before feeding her. Heartache to see her cry until like this. Brought her to see a GP (highly recommended by my 1st BIL), hell! Doesn't seem very expert with checking babies and prescribed antibiotics,etc. And best part, charge me $76! And he said that must bring go hospital if don't get better by Wed. Allan and I were really worried and we brought her to see Dr Ong@ Mt A in the afternoon. Virus attack again and is on nebuliser. We really heartache to see her always on medication. By right, she will have enough antibodies to last her till 6 months cos I breastfed her. But I guessed the viruses are too strong this time round. Allan actually suggested that he takes 2 weeks off from work and we keep JJ away from school so that he and Celeste can recover fully. and our nieces stay at their home.

We will fetch them to and back from school thou cos PILs are gg for holidays. Hmm, shall discuss with Allan. my tots he can still go work. I will fetch nieces to school and bring their maid over, then bring their maid back together with their dinner to fetch my nieces and send them home.

Ok, my lil baby Celeste is tossing in her cot liao.

Have a great day everyone!

due to technical difficulties, this post was written at 5+am on 19-Oct but unable to post then. :)

Monday, October 04, 2010

Return to Work in 3 weeks' time!

I am returning to work in 3 weeks' time!!! RINNNNNNNNG! alarm is ringing. My babies are not ready to let mummy go to work.

Jayden is getting stickier to me. And when I asked him,"Mummy go office okay?" He says,"Cannot."

As for Celeste, she is used to me being the sole caregiver especially when helper went back for 3 weeks. Sometimes when passed to helper to take care these days, she will wail loudly till I carry her and there she just stopped the yelling. Am starting to get helper to take care of her in the afternoon for a few hours. But after the weekend, she is back to the "mummy mode" again. Teared the house down again today until I carried her and she stopped 3 seconds after I took over.

Mummy really MISSSSSS U babies! It's lots of adjustments for all of us. Mummy hasn't been working for 4months and has to revived her engines with turbo soon! I am treasuring every single day with u babies. Though mummy is quite tired these days from the previous 5 night saga from Celeste (kept waking up) + my Lasik + Jayden keeps asking to be carried, I feel as if I am going to faint sometimes due to exhaustion.

Managed to catch a nap to re-charged my battery. Need to get my energy level up again.

Still have about 400+ emails to screen through(down from 700). Now these emails are being archived. Trying to sort based on subject header. Can only read those important ones when I return to work.

Really don feel like returning to work. I am getting attached to my babies so much! love to see their every growth, their smiles, their naughty, cheeky little antics. sob sob...

Love getting morning kisses from my son. he now knows how to do the muack (used to just put his face close when we say kiss kiss).
When I pinch his nose in the morning, he pinches mine back.
Gonna miss my Wednesday dates with hubby (his off day).



Before having Jayden, I had contemplated with doing Lasik. Then came pregnancy and after my 2nd pregnancy, finally I had decided to do it! Since still on maternity leave.

Actually the main push factor is that I am wearing contact lenses every single day cos it is cumberson to chase after Jayden wearing glasses. And I take them off only when I nap/sleep/bath. Sometimes I am too tired and I actually fell asleep in them n it causes my eyes to itch and become very dry. This is no good for the long run. Hence decided to lasik my eyes for the good of my next 10 years before I start to have "lao hua".

I was supposed to go for the consultation cum evaluation of my eyes. Didn't actually tink of doing it on the same day. But who knows there is a slot that evening, so on the date of 1st-Oct, I had my eyes lasiked.

Pretty nervous while I was in the OT. But as we mothers know, what can be worst than giving birth. keke... I had to remain calm and be brave and relax....

It's best to go home and sleep right after before the numbing effect went off and you start to feel all the effects of the surgery.

For me, not so much of tearing but my nose was blocked and became runny. eyes n nose r all connected but my nose is more sensitive n reacted more than my eyes.

It was sharp vision right after the op but just smoky...

I just saw in the Papers that Shingawa Lasik center is charging $1200 per eye for Wavefront lasik. Felt very "tui". Mine is Custom Laser which is $2688 both eyes. Wavefront is better than Custom for night vision. Damn...

Anyway, hope this dryness will go away soon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today's post shall be dedicated to my good friends. If u r reading this, you are considered one. :)

Throughout my life, besides my schoolmates where firm friendships were formed. The rest are formed from various workplaces. We have become so close like "work spouse" though lesbian type. keke... cos it's with female colleagues. NOT Male.

Where we share the ups and downs of our life as well. Give support to one another in need of times be it personal or work. Where we see each other more often than anybody apart from our family. Whom has seen us through marriage, motherhood...

There are some whom has entered the "good friend" category but has left as well as it takes 2 hands to clap to make the friendship last. Though it brings certain sadness at that point in time why it has happened, I had learnt to accept that perhaps it was just not meant to last.

Forum mummies is a special group too cos we have kids ard the same age. I only joined the one during Jayden time cos the first one is "more special" being a rookie mum. those that are more "gam" stay on to be good pals too. We bond over our kids. keke...

Lastly, I am truly blessed to have u as my great pal no matter which point of my life we met.

Ok, time to give my kids medicine before turning in.

Monday, September 06, 2010


Sometimes I try to ignore. ignore the emotional turbulence of a Gemini. One moment they are ok, the next moment their face is like the whole world owes them smtg when nothing even happened. It just spoils the day at times of thunder. After a day of this, I thank god I am not a SAHM.

I need to be positive and cheerful towards the kids.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Feelings of a Stay At Home Mom

P/s: I have 25photos to upload in this post but due to some technical reason, I can only upload these for now though I have been trying to do the rest for the past few days but still can't. If u r a blogspot blogger, pls let me know if you have no problems u/l ur pics. I NEED TIPS! :P
Main Chapter:
I have kinda got used to being a mum with 2 kids. I feel blessed to have a great hubby and 2 beautiful children. They are my EVERYTHING. Thou it is not easy to take care of young baby Celeste and Jayden who still demand mummy to make milk for his night feeds(if any). But I feel the tiredness is worth it. They disappear when I see them smile, see them reach new milestones no matter how little it might be.
Celeste smiling when she was few weeks old! I call her my little Sunshine as she is a cheery baby! like to coo alot too!
She enjoys taking her morning bath! Can see her enjoying her spa...keke...

At 6weeks old. Having eczema on her face... poor girl. It seemed like the rash is getting better though it is spreading. Could not take it anymore and brought her see doc to get cream.

1st visit to Grandma house. Oops, above pic also taken at Grandma's house...
Happy Baby in the morning! Seeing her Smile chases away all the morning tiredness!

Jayden taking pic with the cat at amk while we were waiting to c sinseh. He is NOT afraid of cats and likes to touch them! This cat scratched his face! luckily, just a mild scratch!


I am super happy to be out with hubby and Jayden!
It's hard to take a pic with J! He doesn't look at camera and keeps moving!

He likes the cold cold feeling fm the sausage chiller area!

My darlings!
We went to the Suntec fountain area and Jayden kept testing the limits of the security officer. He kept hovering around us as J kept standing to the edge of the platform ready to jump into the water!

Using all my might to grab J!

Celeste with her short army crew head. Now, her hair is much longer liao... keke... shall post soon.

Started bringing Celeste for morning walks since she is up at 7+ while Jayden and Allan are still asleep. Will push her to Joo Seng park, get the papers and read my papers in peace at the park if baby is asleep. It is a different kind of life that I see that. Children running around in the playground waiting for the PCF to open and saying hi to their teacher as she came to open the door. Elderly exercising in the park. A peaceful neighbourhood with its own start of the day.
I am cherishing my Maternity Leave days before starting work. Loving every moment.
My motto: Be Positive in every situation. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Cough cough cough

Jayden and I had been coughing for long time. It's been like 6 weeks!
Brought him to see doc for the 5th time yesterday. first time bringin him to see Dr EK Ong at Mt A. He is a cough and asthma specialist PD. As usual, he will speak all the symptones and i can only nod my head in agreement. We told him Jayden has hard time taking medicine and he prescribed more palatable med for him. It was real easy for him to take his med this time round!

Things to note when having kids:
1) Children gg to CC - easy to catch illness/virus from one another. Best to get them out of school till they fully recover.
2) Keep soft-toys away to minimise airway sensitivity
3) Children should not sleep in parent's bed as our bed usually has alot more dust-mites.

Of course, the standard rule is that home should be clean when we have kids...

I have taken him out of sch ytd and today. hopefully the 4days stretch will see him well for school on Monday. His cough seems better today. keeping my fingers crossed. :)

Baby, get well soon! Meanwhile, it's bonding time with mommy.
Though it makes me super busy but I'm loving every second with my 2 kids. They bring me joy and brighten my day!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1st month jab!

Brought Celeste to Mt A Dr Ong for her Hep B jab cum 1month assessment.

She weighs 4.13kg and measures 53cm long!

Her birth weight was 3.19kg and measures 47cm.

Weight wise, it's normal for bb to gain 1kg from their birth weight.

This PD is kinda cute. He will tell u everything you want to ask once you go in. That is before you even ask him.

Here is what he said yesterday:

-Baby will keep making stretching sounds. (True, especially at night. stretching grunts i call it :P)

-Baby will poo lesser (This is what I noticed these 2 days. so it's normal)

-Baby will have some baby acne on the face. When weather is hot, it pops up. It will subside when weather is cool or after their bath. (True for Celeste)

-When baby vomit some milk, do not lift them up as it might cause them to choke on their vomit. Turn them to one side and pat their back. (ok, learnt something here)

These are the FAQs for 1 month baby bah. keke...
Yes, Sharon, will upload whenever I have more tips... :P next visit at 3months thou.

Hello Everybody, this is Celeste at one month old!

Friday, July 23, 2010

It's my 30th Birthday!

Today marks an important date. The Big 3-0 Birthday! It so happened that the lunar calendar is the same as my angmoh one. Though I am still in confinement with baby Celeste, I told myself I MUST blog abt my birthday TODAY! baby guai guai sleeping after drinking neh neh so I can come in here. :P

I received the sweetest gift from hubby
A photo-book which he compiled. It brings back all the memories of our outings and trips with Jayden. I enjoyed every single page of it and even read it again before I turned in last night. Quite a number of typo errors...keke... but i noe hubby spelling not very good. haha.... :P

Latest book from Nicholas Sparks which I didn't even know it's out!

2 more books from Mike Gayle which I had not bought.

Thanks honey!

My biggest birthday present is:

My baby Celeste (hmm... I really like this name. erhmm(clear throat), it is given by me. :P
Besides meaning heavenly or divine, it sounds kinda like in a celebration mode yah?

Monday, July 05, 2010

Life with an 8 days old baby

I spoke too soon. Celeste reverted to staying awake last night from 1-3am. Finally when she slept, I could go and have some biscuits, drink some tea to replenish the fluids before I slept. :) When she woke up at 4.30am for milk feed, Minah woke up to make some 30ml of formula to feed her. Then baby slept till ard 7am.

Mostly, I will take care of lil Celeste at night as the helper still needs to do household chores in the day. But at least she is there in case I am not feeling well like the first night where I keep having cold shivers. It feels like those when I took epidural (side effects) when delivering Jayden.

My day begins like this:
After night of feeding, changing diapers, burping Celeste, we wake up to a Brand New Day like Today:

7am: Feed Baby
8am: Have breakfast (love the scrambled eggs prepared by Hubby today! :)
9am: Baby goes for her milk bath (hah, just kidding!) followed by topless suntanning for a while.
Allan and Jayden bath together before he needs to go to work.
10am: Gave her a milk feed before she takes her nap.
**This is the most crucial part where I need to go nap too to replenish my energy for the day.
11.30am: I awake.
12noon: Baby awake for feed.
12.30pm: Lunch for moi.
1pm: Bath time for moi! most happy part of the day. haha...
6.30pm: Dinner.
8pm: Wipe baby to prepare for the night.
8.30pm: Jayden comes into room to spend time with daddy and mommy till he falls asleep at around 10pm.

She's cute when she open her eyes and we interact. I'm telling myself this might be the last time we are having a kid so must treasure time with Celeste. I love smelling newborn! Can't get enough of it.

Ok, till then.

Luv from Mommy.

Sunday, July 04, 2010


Just fed Celeste and I m lucky for today, she slept after this milk feed. Past 2 nights, she stayed awake till 2.30am.
Waiting for my date tea to cool down before I can drink it fast.

Relationship with 2nd child is pretty different from the first born. It takes longer time to feel the attachment. Somehow.... Slowly, the love for the lil one develops just that it ain't instant like the first time round.

I m starting to love the lil princess ESP when i see her smile! I love to stroke her hair. So much n so soft. :)

Am looking forward to the joy that she is going to bring us.

Love u all my babies -> hubby, jayden n Celeste!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Life as a Mommy of 2!

Finally our Princess Celeste has arrived on 26-June at 2.08pm!
Weight: 3.19kg
Length: 47cm
Head circumference: 36.5cm

1st time giving birth via C-sect as Celeste is still breech as of 38th week checkup.
Hence, we decided to play it safe to go for Csect straight.

It happened so fast and before you knew it, the baby is out.

There was a false alarm on the night of 25-June (3am). I had regular contractions at 5mins interval for 1.5hrs. Thought that was it. Called for Dr Paul and was told to go to labour ward. Who knows after my 2nd visit to the toilet, the contractions stopped! Had to call Dr Paul to say that we are not going and will monitor how. We went for checkup the next day just to make sure baby is fine. Very embarrasing about the false alarm. He mentioned it is common for 2nd pregnancy to have strong braxton hicks. :P Allan said it's due to the Ben & Jerry ice cream which i ate the night before sleeping.

After deciding to deliver Celeste on 26th July (which is 15th of May in the lunar calendar)
We checked into Mt A at 11am. At 1+pm, I was wheeled into the waiting area of the Operating Theatre (OT).

Finally I was in the OT at 13.55.
I was still kpo enough to ask my anathetist (Dr Philip Tseng) if he and Dr Paul are brothers!
haha... he was candid and just said Yes! Ok, then I was put to sleep V V Fast.

The moment I woke up which is 3+pm, started to feel the wound. pain... and "suan suan" but still bearable. Then I was on the drip which had painkillers and that made me super drowsy till the next day. But I still got breastfeed baby. I think she also blur blur hence the latch not very good and strong.

I got down on my 2nd day to walk around, make sure can pee after cathetre is removed. 1st time stand up abit wobbly. But after that, it is ok. walk slowly... Will visit Dr Paul one week after discharge hence next Tues.

Thank god Celeste jaundice level is not too high hence we could go home together! Visiting Dr Ong tomorrow for her checkup. Next time, we will go to the Tampines one.

We have not received our hospital bill yet as we opted for the credit card payment which we will only be charged the final bill. Hope we don't faint upon seeing it!~

So currently working on breastfeeding but not giving myself too much stress. If don have enough bm, then give fm. It is the breastfeeding part which is really tough.

hmm... gg to rest before the lil one wakes up for feeding.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Going for Csect tomorrow!

The date has been set. We are going for Csect tomorrow 26.June.2010 at 2pm!
Excited... nervous...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Darling's birthday celebration

I celebrated hubby's birthday on 10th June at home with a cake from Swiss Bake.

FIL went for an op on 9-June hence we didn't have the mood and mind to actually plan his bday celebrationz.

We were grateful that FIL had a very successful operation and he is recovering well. :) After visiting him on 10-June, we went to pray and by the time we got home, our lil boy is into his dreamland.

So, it's left with me to light the candles and sing a Birthday Song for him. Thou he doesn't really like me buying a cake for him. But Still, I feel I need to do something!

The hazelnut cake...

The Birthday Man..

Here's hubby cutting the cake.

Our Birthday Celebrationz!

Modesto made us celebrated my birthday 1 month in advance and that is Today!

Being their member, they had kindly sent me a complimentary meal on 22 or 23-July. But I definitely will still be in confinement during that period hence called them to ask if can bring forward the date. And it was really sweet that we could celebrate it earlier. And there we went as today is hubby's off day. :) We had a very very full lunch. see the pics!

Their Anti-Pasta appetiser

Our fav Cotto pizza

Grilled King Prawns

The Tiramisu cake.... yummy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Terrible Twos Phase

As Allan and I await for Celest's arrival, we are facing JJ's daily Terrible 2 antics daily.

As J asserts his independence at wanting to do things himself such as:
>> wearing his own pants
>> riding his bicycle home by himself & crossing the road
>> taking chocolate from the freezer (by bringing his stool and climbing onto it)
>> climbing stairs

He will push you fiercely away if you attempt to help him or stop him.

"No", "Go away"," Don't disturb JJ" are parts of his common terms.

And he even throw tantrums in the wee hours of the night. Like last night when Allan made milk for him, he got so mad. That even when I made it for him, he refused to drink and kept whining. I waited till he cooled off a bit and told him to drink milk, tomorow we go playground and take lift which worked! He calmed down and finished his milk and went to bed.

He gets really mad at slightest thing and it puts a strain onto us. We have to understand his behavior and how to let him grow into being an independant boy without keep saying "No" to him.

Below is the link to an article which I find good and for our reference. Or urs when ur turn comes. :P


Parenthood really is a journey of discovery and exploration. While he is really sweet at times, it can drive one crazy at times. Sometimes I even wished there is an instant cane whenever I need it to discipline him.

The next one year will be an exciting one. Seeing J growing up to be able to share, empanthize and lil Celest achieving the many milestones that a baby will accomplish before turning the Big One. Mommy and Daddy are gonna be busy!

Let's get ready to embrace them with tons of our love and affections!

Love u daddy! Pls don't get mad at lil J. He doesn't mean it. He does that to anyone including me when he feels that I am interfering his decision, etc.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

38th week.....

Visited Dr Tseng yesterday for our 38th week check-up. Baby is still breech and Dr Tseng tried to turn baby around by ECG (manual coaxing). It wasn't too painful but unsuccessful. Cos bb's legs were stretched out straight. It would have a higher chance of success if bb's legs were flexed. Hence, Dr Tseng told us if we wanted to do csect, we can do it on Week 39. Else, we can still try to go for natural delivery. Only complication will be if baby's head does not come out fast enough, there will be lack of oxgyen to her head and it is dangerous.

Allan and I decided to play it safe and go for csect. We will go to a master tomorrow to select a few dates and see which Dr Tseng is available. :) Mommy and Daddy are looking forward to seeing ya baby.

All these made me super kan chiong. I quickly ordered the nursing bras that I needed. Old ones went missing. keke... It will be delivered to me latest by 10pm later.

With that, we are more or less ready for our little princess.

Love hubby and my JJ.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Day of Work tomorrow!

Tomorrow is my last day of work before I start resting to recharge in preparation to welcome our 2nd bundle of joy into this wonderful world. Yippee! I'm glad that I chose to start my leave on 21-June. I am starting to feel very tired these days. And I had on and off contractions today. Baby seemed to descend lower into my pelvic bone. I felt great pressure on the edge near the thighs. Yeah yeah, counting down. and I almost thought I am going into labour today. :P

Baby, let mommy catch some rest before you pop okie? Though mommy can't wait to see you and kiss u too!

Going to catch the Voyage de La Vie tomorrow after work. Perks of working at Resorts World! Free tix! though 1 per employee.

These days, had lots of treats from my colleagues. I'm quite lucky that the folks that I work with are a great bunch of people. We can click and give each other support in times of need. The baby dust has spread to 3 of my colleagues and they are going to due around the same time! gosh, i'm gonna miss them when they are not around. Happy for them and wish them smooth pregnancies!

Time flies.... I still remembered few months back, I was very worried how to cope to look after Jayden with a big tummy. It's tiring but we've made it! I try to catch some forty winks whenever Jayden naps during the weekend. And hubby helps around whenever he can. Though this boy sometimes insists Mommy make milk and gets real mad if daddy attempts to make for him.

Life is going to be busier than ever when our darling gal arrives. I can't imagine how. but will take things as it comes.

We have thought of the name Celest. It means heavenly. :)

Okay, good night for now. Sweet dreams....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

At 37 weeks....

Went for our 37th week checkup yesterday, baby is still breech. Dr Tseng's advice is he will do an ECG next week (manually coaxing baby to turn). Else, we will just monitor and see what the position of the baby is in when we are really going into labour.

Things to consider: Shall we fix a date to bring the baby into this world via Csect? If yes, when? I definitely do not want to risk trying normal delivery then later on go for emergency csect. double cost and double pain.

I have informed my boss Rodney that I will be working till 18th June. Yeahie! 5 more days to go!

And Tuesday is my lil boy's birthday! going have a simple celebration with balloons and cake at home after work.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Sharon has popped!

Received a call from Leonard that Sharon has popped in the morning of 31st May! Elated to hear both mother n son r in stable condition! Just saw baby's pic on fb. Gosh! He definitely is a fighter! And a handsome boy! Seeing the lil one just makes me emotional. Allan n I r praying in our heart that Sharon n baby will b fine since the day we knew she has pneumonia.

Latest update from Leonard was that sharon can b discharged on fri 4 June.but Just saw from Sharon fb update that it is postponed till tml as she just had fever last night. Hope she gets well soon. Can't wait to visit her soon!

Jia you my dear n ur lil baby!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Preparation for my lil princess

- bought suit for baby to wear home (done)
-to swaddle baby (done)
-cordlife (done)
-newborn diapers (not done)
-more pyjamas dress for myself. (not done) need to go John little
- find out missing screws for baby cot (not done) - to be done by Hubby!
- small milk bottles (managed to find 5 bottles, just need to get size 1 teats) - save money. no need to buy new ones.

that's all i can think of now.

As of last checkup, baby haven't turn yet. gal gal, guai hor... slowly make your way and turn upside down. :) gg for my 36 weeks checkup this sat. then it will be every week. gosh, D-day coming soon!

Bought this sweet top and bottom from kiddy palace. happie! need to wash soon and pack in my delivery bag.

I love all things pink, as you can see! the momma girly instinct out in full force.

No escape for ya baby... hope you will sleep tight each night. :)

23rd mos old!

Finally, JJ went for his 18th month jab on his 23rdmonth!
It was a long wait. See him waiting at the 3rd pic. These days, he can guai guai sit there while waiting for our turn at the PD.

Let him sit on this and he was happily enjoying himself swinging left and right vigorously! FOC somemore! whahahaa.... it entertained him a long bit.

Before his jab, the PD warned me that this jab will be quite painful and most kids will cry.
Furthermore, it was injected at his arm! Mommy see already also heartache.

JJ proved that he is a brave boy! He didn't move a single bit and didn't cry at all!
I'm so proud of him. The PD rewarded this boy with a sticker.

This boy is so big now.

Shootz, trying to upload more pics but that IE hanged! next time then....

Energizer Bunny Mommy!

Jayden has been sleeping very early these days. That leaves me with time to prepare the arrival of the lil princess!

Preparing part 2 of the baby clothings to wash. Took out the stuff that I bought for her. Really looking forward to her arrival. She is growing bigger and squirming more and more inside my tummy.

Hmm... let me count down... 6 more weeks!

Time for me to try clear as much as my work as possible.

Happie! :)

Going for my gynae checkup tomorrow too.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Love <>

Friday, April 30, 2010

Relishing in this moment

I lay awake on my bed, thinking of work..

Turned n looked at my lil darling. Find that he is simply soooo adorable. Kept smelling his hand. And I just wished time will stop at this moment. He is growing up fast n getting more n more independant. The first time feeling this Way n started to think of him getting older like 20+ and leading his own life. Haha... Think so far rite?

Anyway, it is really time for me to go book a photo studio to take fAmily pic with me expecting no 2 n also to capture JJ at this age.

Thought of lots of stuff just now. Things that I have learnt this week:
there is karma. Good deeds do count. So keep on the faith there. Although one can only really conclude if good karma beholds at their death bed. At least till now, I feel that good karma reigns when I look at my lil family. :)

I am starting to get kan chiong abt delivery of #2. thou it is 2 months away....

Baby gal is more gentle inside. Still thinking abt names... Sara? Hmmm....

Time to get ready for work or rather I mean breakfast soon! Keke....

I luv my life, my family lots...

Mothers day coming followed by my dArlings' bday -> arrival of mei mei -> moi bday!

Hoo hoo!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our Bintan Trip (11st - 13rd April 2010)

We are back from the Bintan Trip! Stayed at Angsana Bintan this time round. Nice reception and staff. Room was cosy and nice. :)

Gosh, it was super duper hot over there. Think we lost some weight through the perspiration. heh. Didn't bring sunblock as our lil boy doesn't really fancy swimming in SG. God knows he loves the pool there! Allan and I almost got sun-burnt.

We enjoyed ourselves and I want to capture all the teeny details before starting the city hustle life again. By then, might not have the mood/time/energy to blog long story. :P

Facts learnt on the small boy. Each trip, I see different traits as a result of the boy growing up. Allan carried him most of the time and he gets accustomed to that instead of insisting mommy to carry. But he will yell for me when he can't see me. Sweet....

ok, here we go.
>> Jayden doesn't likes to wear normal cotton shorts to swim. kept saying,"wet wet" and wants me to take off everything. end up, he always skinny dip in the pool. abit embarrasing but who cares when we are out of SG! Want to buy normal swimsuit for this boy liao. He needs time to warm up to the swimming pool though.

>>He hates the sand. called it dirty when he got sand on his feet, hand or even his shoes! lesson learnt. 2nd day, we pushed him in his stroller till reached the suntan bed and he was happily lazing there. haha... got the cleanliness streak.

>> He can sit quite well on the ferry this time round. Can consider taking him to ooach or plane ride....

>> 1st time sitting on buggy for Allan and the boy. Need to take buggy to the Tree Top Restaurant at Banyan Tree. Both of them liked it. We had a nice dinner there. taking in the strong sea breeze. Sat Al Fresco. Live Band there. Jay rocking to the music and he clapped automatically after the 1st song. We all enjoyed the music, the quiet environment besides the live band music. really really shiok experience. wide spaces for jay to roam about.

When our boy enjoys himself in which Allan and I can take a breather to sit there to relax and even be amused by this lil boy's cute acts, it is simply wonderful. bonds us as a family. A trip like this really make us understand each other better, show our care & concern, have fun impromptuly. When we can take a BREAK from WORK, ANY OTHER FAMILY COMMITEMENTS (R.E.T.R.E.A.T). I am glad when Allan said that really shiok when we were at the Tree-Top restaurant. Can see he really happy on this trip. We need to take a break sometimes. I AM VERY HAPPY!!! FINALLY GO ON A TRIP WITH HUBBY AND JAY which is fun! Initially I am abit apprehensive as my tummy is big and i starting to feel very tired recently. Worried I cannot cope. Luckily hubby was very understanding and carried most of our barangs and jayden most of the time. So it was manageable on my physical level.

Erm, when will be our next trip? Let's see how things go after our lil princess pops :) Daddy, Mommy and Kor-kor loves ya...

Friday, April 09, 2010

Hunger pangs...

Suddenly realized can't go back to sleep after visiting the loo... Realized i am v hungry suddenly! Gosh! After drinking Milo n bread, find it hard to fall asleep. My mind kept thinking that I m still clearing my emails at work. Damn! Active mind... Gonna b like zombie tomorrow.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

27weeks now... JJ is 21months old...

Although I still have 3 more months to countdown to, I'm starting to feel the weariness of 3rd trim. Tummy is getting really big. DIfficult to cross legs in office. Starting to feel abodominal straining to expand to contain the growing baby. :) happy actually. cos it means it's thriving healthily inside. But I'm reallllly worried about my figure. worried later cannot get back into shape. And yesh, my appetite these days is blooming as well. gets hungry v fast! So am looking forward to cradling the lil one soon but also worried about how to juggle things lata on.

Jay is getting out of hands sometimes. And he still smile at me when I get mad at him. When I beat the palm of one of his hand, he gives me his other palm next!!!

I wonder if he picks up these things in school or it's just the Terrible 2? He is more assertive these days. Things he wants and he cannot get, he will whine... need to divert his attention.

He is also sprouting lots of words these days. Like we drove into carpark, he will say CARPARK. Lots of other stuff but I can't remember them all to list it here.

Yesterday (Good Friday), Allan came home early and we went to Marina barrage. Gosh, it was crowded. but it was good fun for family gathering. Level 1, these was these water fountain for kids to have fun in water in shade. Later on, we went upstairs to the grass patch to see kites! Wanted to birng J to play in water fountain (FOC) to gain confidence in water. He hates swimming pool for now. He was cautious initially thou he enjoyed it. He didn't want to get out later on. haha... Target achieved! We had fun on the grass patch looking at the kites. Really enjoyed the family time. :)

We are going to Angsana Bintan next weekend! (Sun - Tues)... Booked and all set! heard good reviews from my friend. Hope we will enjoy ourselves. keke... :) This trip is to take a break from work, city life... to rest and relax in foreign land.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

At 25weeks n counting... :)

Went to see Dr Paul last sat... I gained 1.5kg weight! 500gram more than the usual 1kg gain. Tot must be that now I don eat canteen food. i usually go out to eat cos the smell of canteen makes me wanna puke. Baby weighs 698grams now! After minus her weight gain, i gained 1.1kg. heng arh.... i worried about gaining too much.

This lil ger inside is an another active one. like her gor gor. can feel her movements pretty much. this is the most fun part of pregnancy! must treasure it. prob close shop after this. keke... unless kena accident again! :P

today heard JJ say Jayden kor kor.... very sweet. keke... he is not in the best of mood today. fussy and pulled my younger niece's hair. he pull damn hard sia. pianz...i had difficulty getting him to release his tight grip. and he kena scolding from me. think he is tired...

These days, have been thinking of going for a short break with Allan (if he is available). If not, then i see how.. i just need a BREAK!!!! to recharge myself. haiz... don noe how to ask allan. Don wanna put him in a difficult position. But I need something to look forward to! And I know after this few weeks, I will be too heavy and tired...

Waiting for hubby to knock off after his class and get me my supper! yippee!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

JJ goes to school!

JJ was aslept when I reached home at 8pm. And hubby is attending his course. That gave me time to finish clearing my work emails until now. Phew! Finally, cleared! In this job, see some bitchy people and of course there are nice people. but can't stand those bitchy one. disgusting... male somemore. haha... hope he get fired one day! *evil grin*

WHERE IS MY HUSBAND??? I miss u....

History of JJ's first few days in school.
1st day: Ah-ma acc him. cried in classroom.... like outdoor activities
2nd day: Mommy acc him. cried in classroom. other parts of school ok. like outdoor activities
3rd day: Ah-ma and daddy acc him. getting better near classroom. like outdoor activities
To be updated again...

I really hope our boy gets adjusted soon. This boy simply loves outdoor! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Detail Scan...

We went to do the detail scan today. I'm so glad that the lil one is doing fine. An active baby too. Can see her moving her arms... clenching and opening her fingers. Ain't it amazing?!
I'm 5 months preggy now.

And it's a baby gal!!!! From the scan, can see the baby's nose bridge is pretty high. hmm... hope she will be a little beauty. :) Gonna start thinking about her name. keke... I used to like Desiree when I was expecting Jayden. Time to really brainstorm liao....

Recently, work is same. busy as usual. but am sick of some villians. same department somemore. people who just anyhow push things. do things buay ZAI. and still want to back-stab me somemore.... I really hate that. lucky my boss defend me. try not to think about it now. just makes me down. so this kind of thing adds on to the daily pressure at work.

Ok ok, I just want to spend alot of time with families. thank god i'm gg for a 4 months maternity leave. to take a break from sickening people. and hopefully when i come back to work, things have gotten better.

Xian Nian Kuai Le. Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone! HUAT ARH! :)

Sunday, February 07, 2010


I don't know why but I have been feeling super negative tonight. I feel so suay and it just repeats in my mind,"see, everything I do also doesn't turn out right."

I feel so tired... and sian. even reading sat's newspaper made me negative... the jakarta's street kids, etc... i can't bear to finish the whole article. Why am I feeling so pek chey?

I think I need a break. a break from? think after CNY or when, I shall take a day's leave to go facial or wat? I haven't had "me" time for a long while.

As the days goes by and my tummy gets bigger, and somehow Jayden gets more and more naughty, I wonder how am I going to cope when Im like 7 or 8 months pregnant. Seems scary to think about it. haiz....

Anyway, thank god hubby helped out when he came home after work today at 8pm+

And see... my IE gives me the error IE cannot open the page after I signed into FB...
suay or not??? aiyo, really down man.

People say Sunday is actually the 1st day of the week. bad start....

ok, gg to sleep after the lamenting.

God bless me tomorrow. xOx

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Busy busy life

Pardon me if you find my blog boring these days....


Never imagined myself to be so busy with work. But this year definitely is ONE. at least till July when it's time to deliver. hehe... deep down, I'm secretly looking forward to the D-Day when I can really REST. in peace. i doubt anybody will disturb me. haha...

Sometimes I feel so guilty towards the lil one inside me. Life is abuzz with work and Jay till I feel as if I'm neglecting it. Not as if it needs any special attention. but just a touching of tummy. I'm eagerly waiting to feel the first kick kick thou. Read that I should be able to feel second baby's movement earlier. hmm... that's when the real excitement starts! feeling connected. knowing it's there... kick kick punch punch....

New Year's coming but time is so running tight.

Reunion dinner at mum's place this thurs
Pineapple tart this weekend
shop for Jay's shoes this weekend

Of course life with Jay and family is never boring. he brings laughters to us.
Seeing all the lil antics, it never never fails to amaze us.... it's hard to put in words what each day holds for us. but now I truly understand how the term "bundle of joy" comes about when describing newborns. They truly are... For those who have second thoughts about having kiddos, have NO fear. No matter what, it's all worth it. the moment we come home and they come running and calling u papa/mama, you will forget all the troubles in your mind.

This poor boy is having runny nose and cough... same as mummy. me pat pat him and i myself coughing at the same time.

We will get well soon!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's a girl!

Last checkup with Dr Paul on 7-Jan, he scanned and say it's probably a girl! allan was stunned into silence... he was hoping for a boy. Will be doing the detail scan on 12-Feb. Always so looking forward to seeing you baby!

Mummy love u lots.


p/s: we might go for #3 in trying to give jayden a didi to play with. shhh.... don't tell my boss this....