This is me who has just reached home from work! Look shag? Well, I am. Very.
Just had a conversation with my Small Boss regarding format of FY06 Performance Evaluation. Missed my bus as a result of that. Fortunately, he "tobang" me to Queenstown mrt.
Talked about the opportunities, like what kind of grade you wanna achieve. Showed me an example of the work involved for a manager to promote staff to another level. Oh man! Your picture, your contributions, you name it, they are stated there. It is not easy, really. Of course, I think the manager has got to do a very nice wrap-up and presentation when trying to promote his staff to the other managers or management. That is the make/break point besides how the staff usually performs. Promotions are being scrutinised across various functions. Well, I'm a greenhorn. I'm not exactly too ambitious a person, but I will give my best in the job.
Somehow, I linked the theory of how the manager present/promote his staff to the mgmt to Family life. For example, I think the way your HB/BF presents you to his family will also play a part in how they perceive you. Vice Versa. But of course, normal performance plays a part too. haha... that is just some funni connection that somehow pop up in my head. Somehow i just linked it up. Any comments?
Ok, enough about work. Felt real tired today. Thought of taking MC tomorrow for a good rest at home. However, after work, felt slightly more energised again. Guess I will take a good rest tonight and head for work tomorrow. Hmm.... gonna be CNY this wkend but don't really have the mood. It's just weird without the half day off for Reunion Dinner.
Beau is really busy these few days. I pity him. Last night, I had to ask him to come and pick me up at Suntec at about 10.30pm. I just couldn't get a cab after calling 3 taxi companies for 15 mins. "Sometimes got Money also cannot get a taxi". where did they all went to? Strange. He was actually getting into sleep when I called him. He was quite pissed with me but I didn't have much choice at that point in time. Hope he can have a good rest tonight... I miss Xiaobai(my dog) too. He always wait on the staircase for me or my HB to come home. And will stick around with us whenever we go when we are home. Isn't he sweet? Oh no, miss him terribly liao.
Sometimes when I'm tired, I just feel so emotional and vulnerable.
Gonna chill out and watch TV.
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