Charlotte and I were so exhausted and excited after the event but we ordered 2 big glasses of white wine for a small celebration. I got drunk after half a glass. I guess due to my excitement, the blood just pumped hard and i got red very fast. Can u imagine after I got on the cab and told the cab-driver where i was heading, he immediately asked me," You have been drinking right?" Me sitting at the rear passenger seat diagonally from the cab-driver was shocked. I asked how he knew and he said he could smell it. Finally reached home, my HB said he could smell i was drinking too. and i was lobster-red as well. haha...
I guess tonight's the real start of this business. Still got to work hard to acheive the goal.
Today has been an extremely tired day. Mich and I cannot take it and we went Starbucks(suggested by her) for tea-break at 3.15pm! I told her I am going to collapse after the event cos Charlotte and I had spent alot of time preparing for it. But i hope i still can make it for work tml. It's TGIF!

Congrat!!! The seminar doing very well..... Very successful indeed... and of cos very convincing.. esp your 'model'and the presentation, without pursuring ppl 'BUY BUY BUY' it very diff when i go to MLM seminar.. Very comfortable..... I can say, it totally convincing me to buy the products.... BRAVO!!!
It's me-Mich! first time writing comment in the blog.hee...
ya, the seminar was a success. good job, carol!
Jen and Me also enjoy helping you to sell the products..though we nv reali try b4..hee..
since we so "suai" and helpful, any special offer for us if we interested to buy? v(^^)v
Hey.... glad that the event went on smoothly! Was unable to make it cos ethel was not feeling well since the morning... started puking out her milk after her feeds. Got so exhausted looking after her that i had to bring her to my mum's at night. And so got so much better under my mummy's care. Apologies for not being able to make it.
hey fren
so sorry i was not able to make it for your big moment cos i am really bc now with my new place.
glad to hear that the launch is really successful. you are taking a step closer to being a 'mini businesswoman'.
wish you all the best in your business and hope it will bloom bloom bloom
Hi Sharon, of course I wish you were there that night just to support me but I totally understand your situation. Thanks for your wishes!!! Just let us know when your new place will be ready so that we can have a gathering over there soon yah! Smilez! Can't wait to c ur new place. Cheers!
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