1) A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement. 2)Temporary madness or delirium. 3) A mania; a craze.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Relaxed Day 2: Lazing Ard at home...
Not sure what to do later but I will read my book, have lunch and listen to Madonna's latest CD(Confessions on a Dance Floor) which I just completed downloading. Initially, I wanted to go explore Singapore myself but abit lazy. See how later.
Going to Knight's place tonight. He is giving tuition tomorrow night. So I will be alone for the whole day tomorrow. Meeting Charlotte tml in the afternoon. Guess I will pack our stuff tomorrow, continue reading my Nicholas Sparks's book. Maybe tomorrow I can go catch a GV movie as I still have a free pass. Anybody wanna go with me? Pls let me know asap yah!
Gotta plan my day carefully as off days like these are precious in working life!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Relaxed Day 1: Collected Bangkok Tix...Emotional Straits Times Articles!
Went Centerpoint Delifrance for brunch and guess what, I met Jenn over there. Not sure if it's her so I test test and called her mobile. She damn funny. The moment she pick up the phone, without looking at who's calling her, she assumes that I'm the friend that she's meeting for facial and started blabbering:"I'm at Centerpoint Delifrance. Wru?" without any hellos.... HAHAHA. ;P glad to see her.
Collected my e-tickets to BKK. I'm trying not to think too much about their attitude. Just think about us going there shopping till our hearts' content. Getting excited although I'm a little bit worried about 3 Jan. It's like coming back to work the next day after we came back to Singapore. Sure shag one. So must rest well during these few days.
Was reading Straits Times on the train ride back. Felt emotional about some of the articles. So wanna share with u.
1) Tsunami, One year on... Honour the dead-and living (On the cover page)
Some excerpts on the mourning: In Indonesia's Aceh province on Sumatra yesterday, President Susilo Bambang sounded a tsunami warning siren at 8.16am - the moment the first wave struck exactly a year ago-to start a minute's silence.
In Koh Phi Phi in Thailand, hundreds of mourners moved one by one, two by two, to the edge of the beach, sat down and stared silently at the sea that killed their loved ones.
In Sri Lanka, butchers hung up all their knives to show respect for all life, Buddhist monks prepared to chant all night and survivors thronged temples, churches and mosques.
The world's grief and compassion returned to tsunami-battered shores all round the Indian Ocean yesterday to mark the first anniversary of the giant waves that laid waste to communities in a dozen countries and swept away at least 216,000 lives.
=> I almost felt like crying when I read this article. So much lives were lost on 26 Dec 2004! Indonesia was hit the hardest. more than 200,000 Indonesians in Aceh died or are still missing. My heart really goes out to all the survivors and I honour them! Despite surviving, they must have lost some of their family members. The pain they go through must be... undescrible.
2) Number of vehicles stolen in Singapore has fallen
833 vehicles were stolen in the 1st 3 quarters this year compared with 855 during the same period. I was actually quite shocked to learn that there are so many vehicles being stolen here. Have not actually heard of it from friends/relatives. So far, cars being robbed yes but not stolen. The main point that I would like to highlight to all: Insurance company Income has warned customers owning Toyota RAV4, Toyota harrier and Lexus RX300 not to drive them to Malaysia as these models were frequently targeted by thieves over there. So pls take note!!!
3) Jail for sex selective abortions (China)
An amendment to their law which calls for prison terms of up to 3 years and fines for doctors & other health workers who assist in telling the gender of unborn babies, leading to abortion. Realise that now this law only fine people previously, no jail term. The one-child policy has actually been implemented in 1979 to curb China's population (now over 1.3billion). Actually, with our Chinese's mindset that son is the one who will "chuan zhong jie dai" meaning they will carry on the family line, some people will definitely take this route to ensure that they have a son to depend on as Chinese's custom is that when girls are being married off, they are considered belonging to their husband's family. This is inevitable, I feel. Unless, they are able to change people's mindset. Perhaps they should change to "The 2 children policy". Their statistics show that 119 boys are born for every 100 girls. Average male-female ratio world-wide is 106 to 100. By 2020, as many as 40 million men in China could be bachelors. I think by then, those foreign marriage agencies could be mushrooming up everywhere in China!
I have only read up to Page 3 of the Straits Times so far and caught these 3 articles. Enjoyed today's Digital Life although I seldom read it as not much interest. But today's articles are interesting.
Just installed Skype since I have a headphone and mic set now! Installed it just to communicate with my dear friend Aggie who is now working in China (Suzhou).
Monday, December 26, 2005
Javier Tan's Full Month Celebration
Cosy Weather
Manage to settle my date and timing problem of the blog. It's my settings which was peg to Los Angeles's.
Going to my cousin Xiaofen's son Javier full month celebration later. The weather is so so nice.... makes me just wanna hang around at home. It's my 1st time going to their new house.
MIL and 2nd BIL is back from India this morning! Bryan Wong was with them for 4 days. There were alot of "interesting" people in their tour group which they mentioned in breakfast just now. :)
Things that I can do for the next few days... go gym, get BKK tickets,read book at home, do my hair..
Ok, gonna post my blog and see if the timing and date is right. ;P
Sunday, December 25, 2005
How did Wedding Bands come about?
The Wedding Ring, Its History and Meaning
The circle has always had significance from ancient cultures to the present as a symbol of wholeness and perfection. Its endlessness is the perfect symbol of oneness and unity - no beginning, no end. It is also the symbol of the sun, earth and universe, and represents holiness, perfection and peace.
Early on, the caveman bound himself to his mate with a cord of woven rushes as a symbol that their spirits were one.
Ancient European Northerns believed that a lover's knot was a symbol of love, faith, and friendship. The knot was formed out of the hair of the beloved, woven into a knot that was then worn as a ring.
The significance of the wedding ring was defined in the 7th century by the bishop Isidore of Seville (c. 560-636):
"It was given by the spouser to the espoused whether for a sign of mutual fidelity or still more to join their hearts to this pledge and that therefore the ring is placed on the fourth finger because a certain vein is said to flow from thence to the heart."
The ring came into use in Christian ceremonies about 870, authorities state, and was in use in biblical times by the Hebrews. Rings date back several millennia, but ones given as tokens of love were first documented by the comic Roman poet Plautus in the 2nd century BC. Wedding rings are known because of interior inscriptions recording the marriage contracts signed in the presence of the Emperor's image.
The habit of wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is based upon a Grecian fable that the artery from that finger flows directly to the heart.
The wedding ring was also used as a symbol in Egyptian culture. The wedding band is mentioned in the hieroglyphics on walls of tombs interpreted by archeologists. Egyptian bands are usually heavy metal, encrusted with precious or semi-precious stones. In contrast, the average Roman citizen is reputed to have found "ugly metal bands" to suffice.
In the 12th century Pope Innocent the Third ordained that marriages must be celebrated in the church, and that the ceremony must include a marriage ring. In Persia, it was customary for a bridegroom to give a ring to everyone who attended the wedding ceremony. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert gave out six dozen rings, each engraved with the queen's profile, at their wedding ceremony. (Queen Victoria's engagement ring was in the form of a serpent - believed to be a symbol of good luck.)
With the outbreak of World War II, the double ring ceremony increased to 6O per cent. With the Korean war the number rose to 70 per cent.
Addicted to the Blog?
“Joy to the world”-Christmas Eve

It’s 6.45am and I’m out of bed although it is raining heavily. Awake and couldn’t get back to sleep. Feeling a bit nauseous. I think it was the drinks last night. I had blueberry cheesecake and hot mocha float last nite. Came back and we share half a bottle of red wine. So not sure if it’s the multiple types of drinks that is causing this feeling. Kept burping now.
Anyway, we went out without anything in mind yet we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. Went to Marina Square just to walk around before heading to the esplanade. It was wonderful over there. At the open area, a jazz band was performing. Their music was great but too many people. Walked in trying to find somewhere to have a bite. Inside, there was a group (Project Platinem) singing Christmas Carols. I don’t know why but I like Christmas carols like “Silent Night”, “ Hark the herald angels sing”, “Joy to the world”…. Just found a website that has the lyrics n music of the carols. http://www.carols.org.uk/index.htm (sori, unable to do the hyperlink right now)
Went to CafĂ© Cartel at MS to have their blueberry cheesecake (I am addicted to their blueberry cheesecake, Yummy!) Usually I’m a chocolate cake lover but at Cartel, no way! Unless they ran out of it. Drank the hot mocha float (with one scoop of vanilla ice-cream). Happily sms-ing all my friends Christmas wishes and receiving warm wishes from them as well! Decided to go to Borders since I have a 30% discount voucher.
Driving to Orchard road on a Christmas Eve really test your driving skills. Luckily, I didn’t drive. Knight’s driving skills is damn good after 8 years of driving experiences so it was a piece of cake for him. But the way he drive due to the traffic situation, I see already I also stress. Cannot imagine if I was driving. Haha…(better don imagine ;P) Reached there at about 11.20pm (they closed at 12mn), rushed in and try to find Nicholas Sparks’s latest book. I couldn’t find it at first. After searching at the front of the shop, managed to find it! “At first sight” I’m going to devour that book during the shut-down period. But my discount card was not applicable as the book was already discounted. But it’s ok. No big deal.
There are lotsa thoughts flying here and there that I wanna express on my blog. Either I’m outside or I have no time. But the daily updating of what’s happening is already taking up a lot of time. So I will try to reduce that and focus more on my inner thoughts and views of the world.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Konbawa at Waraku Restaurant!

We went to Waraku Rest to have our feast! It is actually located at Katong Village. According to Knight, it used to be a Police Station. We ordered alot! as you can see from the pics below.

Even though we were so full, after drinking lotsa green tea, we ordered a dessert and share. It's called Tartofu. chocolate, vanilla ice-cream rolled in jamaican chocolate powder. Not really very fantastic though. But I would go again as the food is fresh and the prices are reasonable! Good service too!

Sentosa Escapade!

Before I begin, just realised my Beau's PC is at Year 2045. I wonder if this is what is causing my blog's date to be inaccurate.
Yesterday was actually a non-working day for me. MY company had a celebration at Sentosa! There were fun-filled games and lotsa of prizes! But didn't managed to grab any of those prizes. :( However, the weather has been very kind to us. It was cloudy. Only started to drizzle when we were leaving Sentosa. Went to Coffee-club@The Harbourfront with the babes after Sentosa and laze ard for a chat.

Friday, December 23, 2005
23rd July - It's a date not to forget! ;P
Your Birthdate: July 23 |
You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem. You're good at so much - you never know what to do. Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long. You are destined for a life of travel and fun. Your strength: Your likeability Your weakness: You never feel satisfied Your power color: Bright yellow Your power symbol: Asterisk Your power month: May |
Try it out for yourself! Have fun...
This blogthings website has got lotsa cutie stuff that you can play when u have got the time! Going to Sentosa later. Gonna take lotsa pics and have fun. Pls don't rain!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Thursday Blues...
Hopefully slowly, I will feel better. More cheery! gotta go and take a bath.
SuperHero Profile?
Your Superhero Profile |
Your Superhero Name is The Magnetic Jet Your Superpower is Mutant Your Weakness is Balloons Your Weapon is Your Ether Torch Your Mode of Transportation is Roller Skates |
Saw this from Jenn's blog & decided to try it out! I am going to knock off soon!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Gelare Waffles Ice-creamY!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Video-Conferencing Right Now!
Usually Knight will think of funny things to do. Although I did tot of this idea b4 but we never actually did it. This time round,i got a free webcam when i signed up a broadband package with Singtel. He went and source for a webcam and headphone cum microphone set. Voila! Here we go! Had some difficulty setting up the stuff. Think I am an IT idiot. or I am suay. Now he's lying on the bed reading papers while I'm blogging away. I'm on the speakers so he can actually hear me if I SHOUT for him.
Christmas is around the corner and the festive mood is really warming up! Received gifts today fm colleagues. Having log cake tea-break session this thurs. Hmm...life is wonderful.
3 things that I'm thankful for today:
1) My Beau who never fails to set up stuff where we can have fun and do as a couple. Of course I'm the sporty type who will join in the fun. I believe that we must be able to play together and laugh everything off in a couplehood.
2) Feels great in my working environment. no doubt the work is abit manual at times but our team works hard and play hard. ;) Not forgetting team spirit!
3) Festive season is here and it marks the end of the year where we can let our hair down before we start a brand new year!
It's 11.23pm now. Gonna Zzzz...
Sunday, December 18, 2005
My 2nd Christmas Pressie!
Went to get the Motorola V3 black phone just now! It's my 2nd Xmas present from Knight. Also tot for a long time(actually it's just 2 days). Was excited when I saw a handphone shop ad selling their blue-tooth ear-pc at $78 in yesterday's Straits Times and I SMS Punitha immeidately cos I know she's keen. Found myself being tempted also. Liked that phone due to its design. With the big lcd screen.
Going for Knight's friend wedding tonight at the Conrad. Too bad camera gotta charge for 12 hrs, so won't be able to take pics tonight. ;P
P.s: I finished off the sashimi platter as my lunch. Yummy!
Resting time....Zzzzz....
Christmas Gathering with Galz!

As Qing's birthday is on 22-Dec, we usually celebrate it with Xmas as well. We bought her a hand-made leather jewellery box from Takashimaya.

We discused about our lives, next step forward. Times flies... Now, we are getting married, buying flats, having babies. Erm... we have been celebrating xmas since 16, so it's been our 9th year.
Next on the itinery, we exchanged gifts, of course!

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Why are Weekdays always so Tiring?
For me... Try to sleep early? Find that it's a waste of time. Plus i'm a supper owl, sure end up tired the following day. Not to mention fat.
These few days have been very busy at work. With the need to catch up on new projects and also presentation to prepare, life is hectic. I didn't even have the chance to visit friend's bloggie. Didn't know I kena *suan* by my colleague Jenn. haha... But it's alright, now I know she's a piggie. hee... I'm glad that I inspired her to update her blog DAILY for now. Keep it up girl!
This morning, received a Very Good news for our whole PC team! Ta..da! We do not have to route some forms for signatories! It is soo manual and inefficient! Think I will die if this thing remains. We were very HappY about it! Personally, I feel that there are still alot of manual things in our dept. But luckily, PC team itself is united so as a whole, we are slowly but surely making small steps of improvement to reduce inefficiencies.
Yeah yeah, Xmas is coming! Next week will be the last working week! And Friday is off-site to Sentosa! Woo Hoa! And then it's to BKK. How many days left? hmm... 15 days more! Time flies...
Met up with gal friends to get birthday gift for Qing yesterday. Bought it within 10 mins. Went for a drink at Paragon Coffee Bean, Realise that not only I have sashimi cravings...;P Sharon also has it. So maybe we will go feast on sashimi this saturday for our gathering. Yummy! drooling.... the thought of it makes me hungry now. keke...
Darling is fixing up his amplifier & tuner system while I'm here typing away. He's abit "pai chiek" now. Offered my help but was rejected. This kinda situation, best to "siam" first. Somemore, i'm a destroyer of all things. Better don pray pray. haha.
Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! TGIF!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Why is Monday always so Tiring?

Actually, I did not want to do a blog entry tonight. Cos I am not feeling very good and lazy at the same time. And I need to go and do my laundry later.
So I just decided to visit my bloggie, started reading my past blogs and re-discovered the meaningful purpose of why I had wanted to start writing blogs.
I have meant to write blogs to capture my thoughts be it happy or sad. It's more convenient than a diary cos I might be at my place or hb's place.
After reading through the past entries, I was suddenly inspired to write down how I feel. There might be times when we feel down(like now), hurt and disappointed. However, we must also remember the times when our loved ones gives us nice surprises, the little things that they do to show us that we are being loved and cared for. We must not take it for granted, of course! Sometimes our negative thoughts clouds the happy thoughts which have been banished to...i don noe where, perhaps Sahara Desert. Life is full of ups and down. We should not take everything too seriously till we view life from a microscopic view.
Things that I feel happy and grateful for today:
1) Having a new set of keyboard and wireless optical mouse. thanks dear for getting it from Sitex for me. hee...
2) Great colleagues for making the workplace more ...erm... better. Oh, supposed to help Mich write in my blog today. She did a double entry of US$11K into her PR today. Was discovered by the approving manager. She felt that it was her careless mistake and wrote an apologetic email to the mgr. Included was her corrective action: To double confirm the total amount in future PR. Mich, just wanna tell u that the PO was not being approved yet. So not that "jiak lat" yet. We all learn from mistakes. Let's cross our fingers that the mgr will forget about this issue.
3) That i am so much more comfortable in my own room now, with the tv, powerful PC and cordless phone. thanks Knight for always thinking of ways to make my life more comfy.
Maybe some of you might think why I keep thanking Knight here and there. Who on earth is he? He is actually my HB. haha.. ;P This is to clear any doubts that you have.
As we don't stay together everyday, I think blogging is a good way to communicate my thoughts about my day. In case, later I fall asleep early, we can still be connected in some sense.
Aiyo, don noe why my monitor's brightness keeps changing. At times, it's brighter, at other, dimmer. *hint hint*
I just want to tell you that u r a sweet sweet darling. I appreciate the little things that you do for me. Hope that you will feel better oki!
I have attached a pic which is Beau's 1st bouquet of flowers for me somewhere earlier this year. It was a surprise with sweet memories...
This is due to Jenn's request to put more pics in. No words also ok. Just add in more PICS. haha. gotcha U! just kidding. Actually was trying to find a HAPPY pic but decided to put up this instead. Sunflower = Happiness for me.
Maybe should write 3 things that I am thankful for everyday... *ponder*
Nitez... Laundry, here I comeee....
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Lazy Weekend...
Went jogging for both mornings... Phew, siong man. Long time didn't exercise liao. Not even yoga. Managed to practise yoga this evening. It has de-proved.
Went Old Kallang airport to eat lor-mee and chui kwee yesterday morning. HB ordered a $4 bowl. Alot of ingredients.... yummy! TOday, we went to Macpherson for breakfast. Not very nice but the highlight was going to Teakland! a shop selling alot of teak furniture. It's very nice! Can't wait for the opportunity to grab those furnitures! My beau and I were pretty excited about it.
We went to Suntec to buy my christmas gift... hee... thanks Knight!

Today, went to my hse to upgrade my monitor to a 17" CRT one. Brought Xiaobai along as well. He's so cute.
Below are the pics of my new monitor and PC casing. Changed my mother-board, upgrade HD and Ram last wkend.

Trying my best to get Xiaobai to pose with me... ;P
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Home for Dinner
Initially, I didn't want to go back yesterday however, forgot to bring something urgent so I went there after shopping at Taka with sis. Went looking around for Christmas gift for gal-friends. Bought something which I like personally and find it very worthwhile. :) Bought a pair of boxer shorts for beau as well. Alas, he has just tried it and it was too tight. Shucks! Will try to modify it till he can wear. Haha...
Today, MIL called me during noon. I mentioned that I won't be going home to eat. Evening comes, she called again while I was on the train. Think she feels very guilty liao, don't want her to feel bad for so long. So decided to go HB's place for dinner. Think it's time to stop getting mad. Anyway, she also never say it right in front of me. so still not so bad.
Feels really tired now. Work is getting more and more busy. I hope that with all the team's hard work being put in, our dept will get really structured. That will make work easier for us.
Yeah,it's friday tomorrow! woahooo....
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Cooling down period.
Has talked to Mich today and she mentioned maybe I should put in extra effort to improve my image in my MIL's heart since she thinks so lowly of me. But frankly speaking, what shld I do? I am already helping to clear and wipe tables after breakfast? i also cannot work like a maid there right? F&*% it. Think the skills of "pao-ing" people is extremely important if you want to succeed in life.
Went to internet and see if there is any tips on improving relationships with Mother-in-law although i know it's abit pointless. The image of me is already indented in her heart. But perhaps there might be some tips that I can pick up.
=> Mayb buy flowers for her during her birthday or mother's day. but will she like the flowers? Hmm... better consult darling. But this approach abit too ang-moh style, might not be applicable.
=> the middle-man tactic is very true. something that have told darling b4.
I don't even tell my family about what has happened cos I know they sure heartache to see their daughter being hurt. My family thinks that my MIL likes me alot cos that's what I told them usually. My mum will advise me to treat my MIL with respect since she adores and treats me well. Maybe one day when they happen to ask again, I will let them know cos I don't wanna lie. They got to at least know the truth how she perceives me. I don't feel like lying to them. Can't do that to my own parents. But I don't want them to worry about this also. Dilemma. Think I will say the truth.
Maybe must re-think the way I treat his family members. Try to be more proactive? Although I know the JHL sure give me the stuck-up attitude. She treats me as transparent. hmm... something to think and ponder about.
But don't think should go hubby's place so often. Sometimes it's good to listen to parents' advise but me being the stubborn kind, always don't listen. Haiz.
At the very least, I have got a good hubby who adores and support me! That's the most important! Muack, love you dear...
p.s: I may sound very grouchy but it's just to let off steam. that's all.
Monday, December 05, 2005
It's an Unfair World!

Today is quite a bad day for me. How shall I say? Haiz...
Think the thing happening in home front is worse than office, so I shall not mention the office thing.
HB just told me what has been bothering him since Saturday till now although he never mention anything until yesterday. Can't imagine how he bear with it! Actually he had an argument with his mum and it all started bcos of me. On Sat, after I reached home, he went out with his mum to "let go" of fish. I didn't go as I just reached home from Charlotte's place and was very tired.
MIL then asked Allan why I didn't go with them. He casually mentioned that I was lazy to tag along... and she started saying that I am lazy blah blah blah... never help them iron the few pcs of clothes while the maid was away. Holy shit! But hb defended me all the way saying that she never see me when I iron clothes for them. MIL even say that JHL will not do any hsework on weekends cos she needs to spend all her time with her daughter. She is really biased lor. HB nows fully understands my point of view that she is biased towards us liao. My sixth sense has told me this all along but HB don't see it in the past.
Anyway on Sat night and Sunday, I treated them as usual. i guess MIL must have regretted what she says cos she was treating me very nicely on Sunday... maybe she starts to appreciate me when she saw me wiping the table on Sunday morning. I mean that's what I usually do. Cos u can't possibly leave everything to the maid when there are 8 people in the household including herself.
So to be positive, I shld say that maybe it's good that she says all these out so we know what she's thinking. Although it hurts to know how people perceive you => Perhaps when I do household chores over there, it is like U SHOULD DO IT and just treat me like a maid. Anyway, I gotta admire the way my hb gives the cold shoulder. It's so subtle that I didn't even know that he was mad with his mum. We even went out for dinner on Sat night together. I'm really upset and madden by this events. I need time to cool down.
God, I'm praying that everything will goes smoothly for Allan and me, be it at work or at home. I'm praying.
Above is a picture of the figurine "Light of Hope". Darling, may we see the light soon. Bless!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Dinner at Fengshan 85! Yummy!

Just took these 2 pics of Xiaobai as he is lazing ard on *his* sofa...hehe
Went for a late dinner last night to BedokFengshan 85 with my in-laws. We ordered the Chan BBQ stingray, oyster egg, BBQ chicken wings and satay bee-hoon! It was delicious except the last dish. We finished about 9pm and came back to watch dvd. It was fun! Think ate too much last night and had stomachie this morn. argh! but i'm feeling better now.
I have no ideas yet what my hb and i gonna do later. Mayb go my hse fix PC or going to suntec and shop around. Hmm... 2nd bro-in-law had just applied for Paragon platinum card yesterday. Can ask him to help me buy things with more discount at Paragon. hiak hiak...
Allan's RT has finished! So that leaves us more time to hang around together! Great!
Can't wait to go to BKK....27 more days.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Surprise Card from him!

All smiles! Cos I just received a card from my hubby! It was a nice surprise. It's been a long.....time since he has last done a card for me. ;P
It has even got a theme => Color of a Butterfly
I must say his card-making skills have improved... with a theme. that's something new for him! hee....but just to tell a small secret: his hand-writing is really like that of a small kid! Sorry, but i can't show you cos he will be too embarrased if someone sees it. Anyway, it's the thought that counts. I greatly appreciate it. thanx a zillion,dear!
But his hand-writing is really like that of a small kid! Sorry, but i can't show you cos he will be too embarrased if someone sees it. Anyway, it's the thought that counts. I greatly appreciate it. thanx a zillion,dear!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Movement Chart?
Today is Allan's second last RT(remedial training)! Thursday will be the last of Phase II!
Yeah, no more Sun morn RT! Actually, this is like free slimming session for him, in preparation for our wedding! hee... I must remember to work out hard as well. Feels that I'm getting plumper. Wonder when should my next California Fitness visit be? This Thurs?
With hubby's RT, he seems so busy. Phase II takes up 3 days for training (Tues, Thurs and Sun). I'm on yoga for Sat morn and he going to RT on Sun morn. That leaves us with no time to laze on the bed on wkends mornings. So last Sun was the 1st time that I decided to go a gym while he goes RT. I reached at 8am and left the gym at 10am. Felt great.. going off while the rest of the working pple are just coming in. It was a beautiful morning! But after breakfast with beau @ Bedok, I went home and concussed.
Weekend is the best time to recharge my batteries! I have decided to start gathering all the things that I need to clear from my wardrobe and find them new owners! Hopefully, I will be able to do that b4 my Bangkok trip!
I'm so excited about going there. My MIL and 2nd BIL will be going together with us! It's a 4D3n's trip n we are staying at Eastin Hotel. Reckon it is going to be fun! Shopping is our main objective together with visiting of Wat Arun and the Chao Phraya River. Sawadee! I am refraining myself from buying anything from now onwards and save it for the BKK trip. Hope it's all worthwhile. Read and heard that the good food there are Cheap. Things like sharks' fins, birds' nest and seafood! And heard from friends that the bras there are cheap: http://www.wacoal.co.th
Food and shopping, here I come!
Wkend Recap!

here's the bunch of us from HP from left to right
Back: jenn Chin, me, Jenn Ho, Kiam Pang, Patrick
Front: Michelle, Punitha, Serene, Alan and Gf
Note: This is the latest photo-taking technique(slant slant) as advise by Puni's photographer!
It's been a fun last wkend! I went to Quality Hotel to celebrate Punitha's 21st birthday!
It's an eye-opening experience for me. We had a dinner buffet followed by games => to 'tekan' the birthday girl. haha... I like their fun culture where everybody will just let their hair down and enjoy the dance. I guess its their way of bonding together. One new thing that I just learnt is during the cake-cutting session, the b-day girl will feed her family a mouthful of the cake and vice versa. It's to give each others blessings. So sweet!
Sunday was the birth of Javier Tan, my cousin Xiaofen's baby boy. It was delivered at 1.22pm at Thomson Medical Center. I drove myself there and almost couldn't find the place. Phew! Let's not go into the twists and turns that I took.
It's always very exciting to see a newborn baby being brought into this world. They are always so innocent and adorable. Their every little movement, yawns, stretching. i mean u just can't help looking and playing with them. Javier was very aware of the surroundings when we saw him. He has very man features. hee...
Will update pics of Javier once i have the pics.
Friday, November 25, 2005
My First Time Blogging
This is my first blog account and blogging for the first time. I'm a blogger now. I guess I enjoy expressing myself literally and the fact that I can do it wherever there's internet access!
Lots of things(both good and bad) have been happening to me throughout this one month Nov. It seems like time just flew past.
Good news is that my wedding with hubby is fixed 24 Sep 2006! Phew,i have been waiting for this day for a long time man. Not that I will be left on the shelf or anything. But we have been rom for 1 year plus liao.Time to progress to the next phase. Banquet and bridal studio has been booked within a week, that's really fast!
Bad news is that my jack russell Xiaobai fell terribly sick last sat and my shih-tzu(Niu niu) went missing on the same day!!! Was god asleep? How could these have happened? Luckily, Xiaobai got better but the vet mentioned that his liver is almost gone. He gotta be on livertonic (long term medication).
I just pray that Niu niu is now in safe hands....
Went for eyebrow tweezing at Orchard and it's really crowded. Are pple shopping for Xmas gifts already? No idea what to buy for my beau? Think will ask him what he wants (cos i can't think of anything).
He promised that we will get a Xmas tree when we have our own place! Hoo hoo! yeah! Looking forward towards it.
Hope what i have written is not too boring.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Canadian Medicine Shop. The Pharmacy America Trusts .
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½YEãWAIGC L I C K H E R Egjad !Explained maggie and since charlie. Clock in love thy brother. Does she heard the last night. Asked scottie and walked into adam. Instructed adam gave her family. Replied jeÄŹ erickson and how to leave. Announced vera as possible that. | |
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But her grandmother janice was saying that. Set the dark brown hair that | Janice mcentire overholt and mom said |
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Gave charlie entered the photo. | Make an hour later charlie. |
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Answered chuck felt the rest of anything. Either side eÄŹ ort to talk with | Suggested charlie realized the number. Explained maggie was not charity. |
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Garner was saying that someone who could.
Called according to say anything. Announced adam says he had two hours.