Saturday, April 05, 2008


I don't know what to title this blog really.
Finally have the time to sit down and type out what happened 3 weeks ago. It seemed like it happened long time ago...

My parents' place in Yishun caught fire in the wee hours of 14-March. My parents, brother and his gf were actually sent into SGH burn unit ICU. Thankfully the firemen came in time to rescue. Gosh! I broke down when I heard it. Seeing them in the ICU unit with tubes down their throat and everything. They couldn't move, need to lie in bed. need to be sedated else they would pull out the tubes from their throat. their hands need to be tied to the bed rails to prevent them pulling out tubes. it must have hurt. tubes in the throat. milk tubes up their nostrils. they can't talk. it was like this for 4~5 days, i think before the tubes were out of their throats. Trips to the hospital wore me down. almost fell sick after the 4th day. but luckily, my body antibiotics managed to overcome it.

This is a scary experience... when i recall the 1st day i visit them, what my mum wrote on a piece of paper to me (cos she cannot talk). nah, i don wanna write it here.

My dad who seemed the worst initially recovered the fastest. He's really the Hero. 1st to recover in my family. My mum took a longer time.

Hubby's support was important then. Thank god he's there with me when i got the news. that 2 weeks were tiring. lotsa of things to think about, people to handle, tons of people to talk to like relatives, etc. most of them are pretty understanding. me and my sister were super busy. we were like the information counter to update our relatives on our parents' conditions, etc.

So the house needs to be renovated again and my parents are staying in a temporary flat in amk. i hope that there won't be such an incident again. This is not the 1st time but I really hope it's the last....

I can't say anything else but God Bless!

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