Finally the weekendz is HERE! Gosh... On Thurs, I tot it was Friday. And to wake up feeling that way isn't a good way to begin the day. So I'm getting excited that TGIF and the weekend is right here right now. So I'm gonna cherish every moment of it. How? For example, by blogging instead of going straight to bed? does this counts? to express my frenzied feelings to simply express how happy I am that it's D Weekend. Ok, I'm getting abit cranky here now. haha...
Had a busy busy week at work. The intern attached to me is here this week. I only knew about it last Thurs and took it up then. So this week is kinda busy doing the new process flow, hosting meetings to run through with my team members, so on and so forth. Busy but feeling great nonetheless! My team members are excellent and I could feel our synergy getting on. =)
*my mind is suddenly blank. maybe I'm too shagged. don noe what to write*
Erm... Ok, feeling blissed with my life right now. This feeling evoked as I see my dog licking his paws on his beloved sofa aka bed and my hubby sleeping tightly as well right now. It just makes me happy. Erm... and me doing this post at my desk which I liked alot (although I wished my desk is neater.) Suddenly I just feel God is good to me! (at this moment perhaps? haha) feeling very contented right now.
I will stop here for now before I blabber on any further and bore you guys!
But it's really good to sit down and count our blessings each day, doesn't it? Do not ever take things for granted. Cherish your loved ones, be it your friends, families, pets with all your heart!
What goes around comes around!
Muackz to all my girl friends, my hubby (oops... about to type hubbies! =P), families, relatives and everyone reading this. Love you All!
Have a great weekend ahead!
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