Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's Friday!!! Oops... Saturday liao.

It's been a long while since I blog at such late hours. Must be age catching up on me. hee... Maintain maintain maintain. I am very diligent in doing my detox mask, youth mask and enzyme treatment nowadays. Guess every bride wants to look good on the Big Day so effort gotta be put in.

Guess what, I went shopping at Tangs just now till 12midnight! I came home, had my dinner and was reading the newspapers when I saw this. Poor Allan, he didn't had the heart to turn me down so there we went despite him being in Malaysia for the entire day! He even bought durians back from Malaysia for me to eat. I ate till so full so no harm going shopping yah. I somehow view it as a good form of exercise and one that I enjoyed! =P Off we went at 9.30pm.

Quite some people, bought some clothings, picked up some coffee and came home. I am actually Very Exhausted liao. But the thought of wedding preparation makes me excited and nervous! Excited cos things are moving forward according to plan and I realized time flies past the twinkle of an eye. Nervous as some stuff are not really settled yet.

I am going to update my To Do List later.... think it will keep me calm and sane.

Ok, going to collect my wedding photo album tomorrow.
Stay tuned for the updates!

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