Wednesday, June 14, 2006

~~Unique Earrings~~

Was on MSN just now and happened to see Jennifer's blog. Went in and gosh! I was amazed by her talent and flaire for making earrings. All those posted were made by her! :> So just wanna helped her spread the word around.

Had spoken to her sometime back and she was telling me about her obsession with making earrings. She was having these craze for earrings and actually started making for her own-self.

I'm actually thinking of buying a pair for myself. :)

I'm still on the way to recovery these few days. Now it's the cough and blocked nose phase. Can't wait to get well soon so that I can dine and enjoy myself. So nowadays,I'm very disciplined... coming home after work. Too tired to go shopping. But that's something which I look forward to. It's to watch "Da Chang Jin" every night. It's the "IT" show at the moment for Beau and me.

Hmm.... we are now in the "photo-layout" phase of our wedding photo album. I think it's the most "headache" step. cos it's De Step before ur photo album goes into printing and you just wanna make sure IT'S OK before we say OK. Argh... but can't wait to see the final outcome.

Oops... Da Chang Jin is coming up soon!


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