Hayama has actually worked in Singapore for Morita Medical for 2 years. Then he was posted back to Japan (Kyoto). Singapore was actually his honeymoon place! Felt honoured to be invited by them! So I agreed to go and meet up. No regrets going. Cos they were very humorous! He actually got married in Japan in Dec 2005. hmm... their honeymoon is actually 1 month after their actual day.
For Vista's people, only the MD(Ben) and me went. The rest didn't attend. Hmm... weird. Fortunately, I didn't feel that. There is only 1 table. It was nice actually. Very small and personal kinda wedding dinner.
I ate till I was too full! Portions were huge! There were geo-duck sashimi(I prefer the shabu-shabu style), Alaska King Crab, Peking duck, Steam prawns, desserts! My resolution of "Not to over-eat" was blown out of the window. It was tough to give up any dish cos it's kinda pai-seh. Plus the fact that I like them! hehe... need to eat less during the week liao.
Things like crab is very expensive in Japan. One durian fruit in Japan cost S$100!!! Gosh... Duck is rare over there too. We chatted, they drank. I didn't drink. Scared of the rashes liao. Also need to drive myself back! Talk about driving. Thanks darling for printing the map and giving me the directions to there!!! The drive to Forum was tough! Traffic on Sat is no joke. I drove kinda dangerously at a traffic junction. But no choice, cos a taxi-uncle don let me cut in. Damn it! Why are they always like that? I try to turn right although my lane is for staight-direction. So vehicle beside me no choice, gotta let me go in front of him. Beau did warn of me this liao... He really knows everything in his mind. "You might not be able to turn right at this particular junction." I replied, "I will keep right before reaching." Somehow, by the time I saw that junction, the turning right lane was full of cars. Nobody lets me cut in. so bo-pian, do it the dangerous cos I followed a car infront who did that. haha...

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