Totally not in a very good mood today. Don't know why. I think it's PMS causing it. You know, having mood swings. One moment, you can be very happy. Really happy at that instant. The next moment, it's gloomy feelings. And worse of it all, I am having carbos craving. Went out to Parkway Parade after dinner just now. And guess what, I ordered?......
Went Pasta Mania and ordered Marinuana (i don't know how to spell but it's the one with prawn, squid and mussels). The portion there was huge! And I polished off 90% of it. Ee... i find it too disgusting. But that was my comfort food. I shall stop this eating behavior from tomorrow onwards! I can feel my face getting rounder. Tummy getting fatter. Argh... I hope the menses will come soon to ease all these feelings!
Meanwhile, I either watch "My Ye-man Nai-nai" or read my book to keep me sane.
Actually got lotsa things to update. But WTH.... hee... a new acroynm I learnt from our IA student. For those who don't know, it's WHAT THE HECK!
Ok, I hope my positivity will come back and I will get on to updating my longgest shopping record on Thurs => Shopped for 10 HOURS! Not to mention a horrible start in the morning (summon). I shall rem to elaborate on this.
I got to attend a wedding lunch buffet with my mum tomorrow and I really don feel like going. argh... don't even know who is the bride n groom. GoD, Pls Give Me Some PoSitIvE viBeS!!!!
1) A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement. 2)Temporary madness or delirium. 3) A mania; a craze.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Blogging fm PDA phok
Testing if it works.
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas Dinner @ Grand Copthorne Waterfront
We inside Cafe Brio! Only started taking pics after having our fill. haha... we skipped lunch on 23rd as we attended Audrey's wedding dinner the day before.
My gift to Allan (the one wrapped up in green) and the one infront is from him. It's my fav Korean show "Full House" fm him. This Xmas, I got alot of presents fm him. Thanks dear for the thoughts!
My Christmas presents from colleagues and friends!
We decided to celebrate Christmas on 23rd Dec so that we could spend actual Christmas Eve with family. Allan booked the International & Seafood buffet @ Cafe BRIO. Our 1st time there.
The buffet was delicious. I especially like the Barbecued King Prawn. I'm a prawn lover so that became my main target. hiak hiak... of course, that's sashimi, steam garoupa, cold crab & prawn. Allan kept off oyster after the last food poisoning incident caused by oyster. The ham was very nice too!
Ambience is nice. there was a nice band at the drinking area which was linked to the cafe. So I was enjoying the music while eating. So this place is recommended if you wanna have some buffet.
I must write down one of my surprise moment and that is when I gave Allan his Christmas card. He was very touched and his eyes were teary when he saw that. I didn't know it would turn out like tat. He really liked the card alot! =))
Xiaobai who was sleeping so soundly that I couldn't resist taking a pic of him. hehe...
My cousin: Audrey's wedding on 22 Dec
Allan drank quite a few glasses of red wine. Can you see it?
My Parents & Me.
Sis & Me
The one seated in the middle is my mum's youngest sister. Beside her are her kids. Jenevie (12yrs old) and Justin (14 yrs old).
Didn't manage to catch a good pic of the bride. There was about 50+ tables @ Shangri-La so you can imagine how big the whole ballroom is.
Didn't manage to catch a good pic of the bride. There was about 50+ tables @ Shangri-La so you can imagine how big the whole ballroom is.
Happy Boxer's Day! A Rainy Morning....
Today is a wet Boxer's Day! It had been raining since last night. We switched off the air-con, slept with the windows open so that we can listen to the rain pattering outside. Thank god I didn't have to go to work today. Not doing anything in particular today. Lotsa Post-Christmas sales... Robinsons, Tangs, etc. But not in the shopping mood. Anyway, we had spent quite some $$$ this month.
What I intend to do Today:
- Pick MIL up fm Airport with FIL. MIL is finally coming back today from Taiwan! (She went for 11 days trip). Kinda missed her. never hear her voice for so long! Aw... =)
-Read my book. It's called "Two's company" by Jill Mansell. Bought it @ Borders during 20% discount sometime back. Let me give u my comments after reading it!
Christmas had passed. Was busy dining, spending time with families, singing karaoke... haha... We went to buy a DVD player with karaoke function on Sunday. Bought mike, some karaoke discs and started singing yesterday. Thanks to Beau who started all these. hee...
I'm just gonna chill out in my room today, playing the jazz music. With the accompany of Xiaobai. hmm... life is so relaxing!
Note: I will go into some snapshots of the past few days for the next blog....
What I intend to do Today:
- Pick MIL up fm Airport with FIL. MIL is finally coming back today from Taiwan! (She went for 11 days trip). Kinda missed her. never hear her voice for so long! Aw... =)
-Read my book. It's called "Two's company" by Jill Mansell. Bought it @ Borders during 20% discount sometime back. Let me give u my comments after reading it!
Christmas had passed. Was busy dining, spending time with families, singing karaoke... haha... We went to buy a DVD player with karaoke function on Sunday. Bought mike, some karaoke discs and started singing yesterday. Thanks to Beau who started all these. hee...
I'm just gonna chill out in my room today, playing the jazz music. With the accompany of Xiaobai. hmm... life is so relaxing!
Note: I will go into some snapshots of the past few days for the next blog....
Thursday, December 21, 2006
What A Fun Night!

Jenn with the "Tu-tu kueh" ! haha...

Mich & Jenn@ Pacific Coffee
What a fun evening I had! Mich and I met up with Jenn @ Vivocity for dinner and catch up. It's been a long time since I last met Jenn which was my wedding. haha..
We had Bak Kuteh @ Food Republic. The portion of the pork rib is huge! It was shiok drinking the soup on a cold evening! We then went Pacific Coffee for drinks, cake and ice-cream! The Cafe Latte over there is good! Highly Recommended!
We really talked alot and laughed so much throughout the whole conversation. Lotsa catching up to do! 3 hours just flew past swiftly.
Let's meet up soon! Cos I'm starting to miss u gals liao!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Counting Down to the End of the Working Year!
In a Pretty Good Mood now because the work week is coming to an end soon! Most people in my company are busy clearing leave, etc. Me? Have been in holiday mood since Monday! Haha... What to do? The annual shut-down is always an exciting time cos I will have a LOOOONG stretch of holidays.
I shall start planning what to do each day. How to make use of the long hols. Getting into a frenzy again when brainstorming. Last year, I went Bangkok. That's all I remembered! I will go back to my past blog and recap. I think basically it's book reading and lazing around.
Just received my Robinson pamplet on their promotions starting on 26-Dec. Contemplating to go shopping. (Again?) erm... sometimes good deals are hard to resist! Saw a dress that I like.... Ok, Self discipline.
Allan is finishing his last RT (Remedial Training) session tomorrow! Yeahie! I will catching up with Jennifer & Michelle tomorrow @ Vivo. Hope we can "chop" the swing @ Pacific Coffee. That place looks so relaxing! Hope to take some pics.
Our team is having our Christmas lunch celebration tomorrow! Then Friday, we will have a gift exchange session. Friday night, my cousin Audrey's wedding dinner @ Shangri La. Come Saturday, Allan & I are going for our Xmas dinner. I am feasting all the way through Xmas. Ho Ho Ho...
I shall start planning what to do each day. How to make use of the long hols. Getting into a frenzy again when brainstorming. Last year, I went Bangkok. That's all I remembered! I will go back to my past blog and recap. I think basically it's book reading and lazing around.
Just received my Robinson pamplet on their promotions starting on 26-Dec. Contemplating to go shopping. (Again?) erm... sometimes good deals are hard to resist! Saw a dress that I like.... Ok, Self discipline.
Allan is finishing his last RT (Remedial Training) session tomorrow! Yeahie! I will catching up with Jennifer & Michelle tomorrow @ Vivo. Hope we can "chop" the swing @ Pacific Coffee. That place looks so relaxing! Hope to take some pics.
Our team is having our Christmas lunch celebration tomorrow! Then Friday, we will have a gift exchange session. Friday night, my cousin Audrey's wedding dinner @ Shangri La. Come Saturday, Allan & I are going for our Xmas dinner. I am feasting all the way through Xmas. Ho Ho Ho...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A New Meaning...
Didn't realize till today that I had actually been blogging for over a year now! As time passes by, I realize that I had dwindling desire to update my blog. But today I realized it had a meaning. It brought me back to my memories vividly. I went back to last Dec posts to see what I did, celebrated, dine. Brought back lots of fond memories. For those unhappy or angry posts, I didn't even felt like reading them anymore. "It's over and I have moved on," I thought to myself. Is it that I have a bigger heart now? Maybe... But I felt that I wrote those to let off steam @ that point in time. Venting out releases all the tension inside us. And I love those comments! By friends and Allan who never fails to support me.
When I look back to my Dec 2005 pics, I was surprised I wasn't quite used to seeing my jet black straight hair. Found that it looked so boring as compared to now! haha...
Of course last Dec was the beginning of my wedding preparations!!! Now whenever Allan & I attend friends or relatives' wedding dinner, we would somehow be so glad that our Big Day was over and now we are truly a couple. Of course, we enjoyed ourselves on our Big Day and to me, that is the most important aspect on the wedding day.
Saw my past blog posts and saw that I was writing quite alot, "articulate" in a sense as compared to now where it's more of pictures and less things happening. Pondering what is happening. For a while, I found blog updating pretty time-consuming. Another, I found it narccistic. that was when I start to question the purpose of blogging.
Suddenly, I thought maybe I am more settled in with my married life now. Perhaps I am happier now. So less lamenting on life. hee... I shall write on my current focus in life next time.
Allan is back fm his "Prata session" with his brother Charles. I'm gonna turn in soon!
When I look back to my Dec 2005 pics, I was surprised I wasn't quite used to seeing my jet black straight hair. Found that it looked so boring as compared to now! haha...
Of course last Dec was the beginning of my wedding preparations!!! Now whenever Allan & I attend friends or relatives' wedding dinner, we would somehow be so glad that our Big Day was over and now we are truly a couple. Of course, we enjoyed ourselves on our Big Day and to me, that is the most important aspect on the wedding day.
Saw my past blog posts and saw that I was writing quite alot, "articulate" in a sense as compared to now where it's more of pictures and less things happening. Pondering what is happening. For a while, I found blog updating pretty time-consuming. Another, I found it narccistic. that was when I start to question the purpose of blogging.
Suddenly, I thought maybe I am more settled in with my married life now. Perhaps I am happier now. So less lamenting on life. hee... I shall write on my current focus in life next time.
Allan is back fm his "Prata session" with his brother Charles. I'm gonna turn in soon!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Christmas Dinner Plans...
Looking forward to my Christmas dinner with Allan @ Grand Copthorne Waterfront! Christmas Eve is also going to be our 3 months anniversary. Hehe… I’m planning to go to the Esplanade on Christmas Eve to hear the caroling and soak in the atmosphere!
Been there last Christmas Eve and I love the atmosphere there! Standing there, humming to the caroling, by-standers whom like us are just enjoying ourselves and giving our warm applause after each carol. I can definitely feel the festive joy! Strolling & holding on to Allan’s hands, I feel so happy and blessed that we are together.
I shall see how the atmosphere will be like this year. =)
Been there last Christmas Eve and I love the atmosphere there! Standing there, humming to the caroling, by-standers whom like us are just enjoying ourselves and giving our warm applause after each carol. I can definitely feel the festive joy! Strolling & holding on to Allan’s hands, I feel so happy and blessed that we are together.
I shall see how the atmosphere will be like this year. =)
Xiaobai got a new haircut!
This time round, we didn't ask Adeline(the pet shop owner) to shave Xiaobai. Instead, to leave half an inch of his fur. hehe... think it will look nicer.
There were some more shots which I took in the car after we fetched Xiaobai home. Will upload it some other time.
Tiffany who really enjoys posing in front of the camera! After which she will say "I see, i see". She wants to see if the picture turns out well too! haha....
Xmas Gathering with the gals!
Meeting the gals for our Christmas gathering cum Huiqing's birthday celebrations!
We will have a gift exchange each year during Christmas.
For 2007, we had a new plan. That is to draw lots to see who wil be getting whose gifts prior to Christmas. So that when you are buying the gift, you already know who you are getting for in mind.
I shall write it in my blog so that we won't forget it next year. Just in case Sharon changes her hp. We have given her the task of remembering this! haha..
Huiyi -> Huiqing, Huiqing -> Me, Me -> Sharon, Sharon -> Huiyi (if my memory didn't fail me)
Although this is also Qing's birthday celebrations, the main focus was on Qing's 2nd-time mummy topic and we were so busy chatting & updating each other our lives. that I think I sort of forgot about giving her a hug and wishing her Happy Birthday. Nevertheless, we wished her Happy Birthday when we gave her the gifts...
from L to R: Sharon, me, Huiqing, Huiyi (Our usual fav hangout: Coffee Bean)
Huiqing & Huiyi (Inside Crystal jade)
Me and Sharon (While we were at Crystal jade)
Me and Huiqing (Does it looks like it's snowing outside?)

Huiyi and me. A well-taken shot by Sharon! She was making us the focus of the pic. noticed the images of the pple behind us are very blur? =P
We will have a gift exchange each year during Christmas.
For 2007, we had a new plan. That is to draw lots to see who wil be getting whose gifts prior to Christmas. So that when you are buying the gift, you already know who you are getting for in mind.
I shall write it in my blog so that we won't forget it next year. Just in case Sharon changes her hp. We have given her the task of remembering this! haha..
Huiyi -> Huiqing, Huiqing -> Me, Me -> Sharon, Sharon -> Huiyi (if my memory didn't fail me)
Although this is also Qing's birthday celebrations, the main focus was on Qing's 2nd-time mummy topic and we were so busy chatting & updating each other our lives. that I think I sort of forgot about giving her a hug and wishing her Happy Birthday. Nevertheless, we wished her Happy Birthday when we gave her the gifts...
Huiyi and me. A well-taken shot by Sharon! She was making us the focus of the pic. noticed the images of the pple behind us are very blur? =P
Huizhen & Jack Hee's Wedding
Saturday was our uni friend Huizhen & Jack Hee's wedding. Knew them from Year 2 IHPT. The
ambience at Le Meridien was nice! Saw alot of my ex-colleagues from Creative. Didn't know that quite a number of them had left! Really out-dated. But that's life... People are constantly moving in and out of our life. Whenever we change jobs, that's when our friendships with ex-colleague gets diluted. Cos we don't get to see each other everyday. It all depends on the efforts by both parties to keep in touch. Saying is easier than done thou. How do you and your friends/ex-colleagues keep in touch? How often do you call or meet up?
Alland & Me. This is actually my MIL's dress that I mentioned in my blog as the vintage dress previously. This dress was bought abt 20 years ago!
ambience at Le Meridien was nice! Saw alot of my ex-colleagues from Creative. Didn't know that quite a number of them had left! Really out-dated. But that's life... People are constantly moving in and out of our life. Whenever we change jobs, that's when our friendships with ex-colleague gets diluted. Cos we don't get to see each other everyday. It all depends on the efforts by both parties to keep in touch. Saying is easier than done thou. How do you and your friends/ex-colleagues keep in touch? How often do you call or meet up?
Me & The Bride! She's so pretty!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Tiffany Latest Pic ---- Tea Break Pics


Here's Michelle... looking very cute right? She really doesn't look her age. Oops... Sshh...

Me with my Mocha Latte! Slurp slurp.
Last Sunday's Pix...

Has Allan slimmed down? After being sick for 2 weeks and intensive RT before that... hehe...

This is Keith, another cousin's kid. He has a chupa-chubs(lollipop) in his mouth. He's got the "bad boy" attitude!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday... shopping for my Xmas pressie
It's such a wonderful morning! Clear, blue skies that I can't resist taking a picture of it!

Yesterday was a very busy day for us...
Went out with hubby and my sista yesterday. Sis is going to do her degree in Bachelor of Science in Construction Management starting from January 2007! Course duration is 2.5 years. Went down with her as she's using my credit card to do the 0% Interest Installment. This is another phase of her life and I'm glad she's a pretty much motivated person. I know it's not going to be easy being a part-time student. But I believe she can do it. Well, I promised to give her a treat after each of her semester to reward her after her exams!
We went Funan IT Mall to sign up for O2 Atom Pure. This is one of my Xmas pressie from Allan. He surprised me with a Body Shop Sea Salt scrub the other day. He said it is one of the Xmas gift too. But kena scolding as I myself don't even feel like spending the $ to buy it(heartache).
Was playing with the PDA phone till 1am last night. Abit shag right now. but who cares! It's the weekend. hee...
The 3 of us went to Siam Kitchen@Raffles City basement for lunch. Not bad but I think we over-ordered. Pls do not order the pineapple rice next time. It ain't that nice. But the highly-recommended chicken wings by my sis was quite nice(because of the sauce)!
Shopped around Raffles City for my team's gift exchange item. gotti...
If you are going to sign up for any installment plan using OCBC credit card, there is a brochure sent to us saying that we can rebate $100 off. I rushed all the way to Orchard before dinner yesterday to get this $100 rebate. Luckily, managed to get it! =)
Went to Bedok to meet Allan's family for dinner right after that. Teochew food. The food is pretty nice! We ordered around 8 dishes for $150... So it's affordable.
Here comes the address:
Blk 115 Bedok North Rd
Going to Allan's cousin place later. His baby girl is celebarting her 1-year old birthday. After that, it's Vivocity time! Agenda => Challenger. And maybe catch Open Season if I can buy tickets on the spot. =P
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Getting used to it?
Michelle's hubby will be back tonight. He has been in Australia for 17 days for army exercise. It's been a long wait for her. Today she mentioned," She has gotten used to it." Gotten to life without her hubby. haha... **Don't let Elton see this.** It's usually hard when the other party has just left. But after a few days or a week, you will find your own programs... and leading an independant life sort of. Friends and family play an important part. It's also a good time to catch up with them.
I was supposed to meet up with her twice, once in the wkday and the other on a Sat. But alas, the bout of stomach virus made me cancel both appointments. Felt quite bad about it. But that was no choice...
But honestly, for those who always have their partners around them, be thankful. After the 8 days of separation from Allan while he was in China, I wished he wouldn't ever have to go there again. *especially after I know the dark side over there, it's a Man's world there*
I was supposed to meet up with her twice, once in the wkday and the other on a Sat. But alas, the bout of stomach virus made me cancel both appointments. Felt quite bad about it. But that was no choice...
But honestly, for those who always have their partners around them, be thankful. After the 8 days of separation from Allan while he was in China, I wished he wouldn't ever have to go there again. *especially after I know the dark side over there, it's a Man's world there*
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
My Favourite Perfumes @the Moment.
Perfumes from Allan on his trip back from China at Hong Kong Airport.
And after my numerous requestzzz, he bought me Biotherm Cellulite Intense Peel (not sure of the exact name). It was a twin pack. I'm intending to use one bottle only. So if anyone of you wants to buy this, I can sell you the other bottle. Definitely at a lower price than the retail price of $78/bottle ( If I'm not wrong.)
1) Dior Addict 2
2) Dior Midnight Charm (Limited Edition)
I find the bottle pretty retro & cool! hehe...
Friday, December 01, 2006
Dear Stomach,pls be your normal good self again!
Yesterday night, I was so looking forward to work the next day (which is today). Packed my bag and laptop in last night. Who knows suffered from another bout of stomach flu or whatever. can't sleep till 2plus. Suffering from very bad indigestion. I only had my dinner last night and nothing else, no snacks, nothing. After more than 12 hours, my stomach is still digesting it.
I'm waiting for in-laws to come back so I can go and see the doctor. Argh!
I never had such a bad case of stomach problem before. Didn't realise that our stomach is so important to us. Every time I fall sick, I will start thinking,"How I wish I am back to my normal self again." Maybe I take things like our good health for granted. I mean besides the occassional common illnesses, we are generally in the pink of health. Hmm... how to not take things for granted?
1) I shall eat healthily. Eat less oily food!
2) Snack healthily. Less potato chips.(of cos I'm not eating that now) Find alternative snack!
3) Exercise regularly. We need to raise our heart-beat every few other days. Perspiration is also good for us! It removes toxins...
These are the body aspects of health. Of course there are a dozen more which includes emotional well-being which I will not mention it. Maybe next time. I can't think very well with my stomach like it is right now.
There are so many things I want to do today. I have written down my to-do list in my work today. And was planning to go to Sitex with Allan this evening after work. So much to look forward to. We shall see how it goes later on.
I want to wish everyone a meaningful and fulfilling day ahead!
I'm waiting for in-laws to come back so I can go and see the doctor. Argh!
I never had such a bad case of stomach problem before. Didn't realise that our stomach is so important to us. Every time I fall sick, I will start thinking,"How I wish I am back to my normal self again." Maybe I take things like our good health for granted. I mean besides the occassional common illnesses, we are generally in the pink of health. Hmm... how to not take things for granted?
1) I shall eat healthily. Eat less oily food!
2) Snack healthily. Less potato chips.(of cos I'm not eating that now) Find alternative snack!
3) Exercise regularly. We need to raise our heart-beat every few other days. Perspiration is also good for us! It removes toxins...
These are the body aspects of health. Of course there are a dozen more which includes emotional well-being which I will not mention it. Maybe next time. I can't think very well with my stomach like it is right now.
There are so many things I want to do today. I have written down my to-do list in my work today. And was planning to go to Sitex with Allan this evening after work. So much to look forward to. We shall see how it goes later on.
I want to wish everyone a meaningful and fulfilling day ahead!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Virus Attack!
Allan had food poisoning followed by stomach virus the whole of last week. Now, it's my turn. Actually, this is contagious (through saliva). My MIL is also down with the virus. Poor her. She said she has never felt so sick in her life. Not sure if she's exaggerating but she's in a worse state than I am. She's having terrible body aches too.
I had bad diarrhoea yesterday. Stopped liao but now every night, I will have body aches. Saw the doc just now. I asked why do I feel so lethargic? I totally cannot focused this afternoon and came home from work. He said I need to replenish those lost minerals. So need to drink plenty of H2O or 100plus.
So i decided to stay at home and rest tomorrow. Anyway, I brought my laptop home so I can actually work from home.
Wishing myself (& Mother-in-law) speedy recovery. =)
I had bad diarrhoea yesterday. Stopped liao but now every night, I will have body aches. Saw the doc just now. I asked why do I feel so lethargic? I totally cannot focused this afternoon and came home from work. He said I need to replenish those lost minerals. So need to drink plenty of H2O or 100plus.
So i decided to stay at home and rest tomorrow. Anyway, I brought my laptop home so I can actually work from home.
Wishing myself (& Mother-in-law) speedy recovery. =)
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Wanna Win a LEXUS LS430 ???
Sim Wong Hoo is offering his Lexus LS430 as the grand prize in Creative Sitex 2006!
It's the 1st time I'm hearing that a 1st grand prize is a 2nd-hand item. I think he is trying to be "creative" when coming up with that. Frankly speaking, I don't understand the rationale of him doing that. A high-maintenance 2nd-hand car as a prize? Maybe it's because the Lexus will not be covered under warranty after 3 years. haha... p/s: the car is coming to 3 years old. That's evil me thinking lah. Don't be surprised if he comes up with a new "creative" idea in future as this is not the 1st "creative" that I have heard of. I'm proud of him in establishing itself as the market leader in Soundblaster. But I think its marketing strategies need to be improved. One big difference between Creative and Apple (not to mention its product outlook) is its marketing strategy. US companies focus very strongly on this but not local companies. What a pity when the product features are good.
Coming back to the prize... If I win it, I think my best bet would be to sell it and you should be able to get a more economical NEW car.
It's the 1st time I'm hearing that a 1st grand prize is a 2nd-hand item. I think he is trying to be "creative" when coming up with that. Frankly speaking, I don't understand the rationale of him doing that. A high-maintenance 2nd-hand car as a prize? Maybe it's because the Lexus will not be covered under warranty after 3 years. haha... p/s: the car is coming to 3 years old. That's evil me thinking lah. Don't be surprised if he comes up with a new "creative" idea in future as this is not the 1st "creative" that I have heard of. I'm proud of him in establishing itself as the market leader in Soundblaster. But I think its marketing strategies need to be improved. One big difference between Creative and Apple (not to mention its product outlook) is its marketing strategy. US companies focus very strongly on this but not local companies. What a pity when the product features are good.
Coming back to the prize... If I win it, I think my best bet would be to sell it and you should be able to get a more economical NEW car.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
My Weekend...
Lotsa things happening this wkend! Finally having the time to rest now.... and to blog. hee... Was trying to be a dutiful daughter-in-law (& also sister-in-law) just now. haha=) Allan and I were out with MIL this afternoon... we needed to go Hougang Mall. Then we accompanied MIL to Marine Parade for supermarketing.
Came back home at 4pm. Helped MIL to prepare for dinner as the maid went out today. 2nd BIL needed to have dinner early as he got an exercise tonight. So I helped here and there wherever possible lah. We had our dinner. Then I drove 2nd BIL to AMK mrt together with MIL.
Reached home at 6.30pm. Damn shagged...
Furthermore, we went Kent Ridge park this morning with Xiaobai. It's a pretty nice place. Not much pple so we unleashed Xiaobai most of the time. I think he was super happy this morning! Running around without any restriction. Whenever we see that there isn't much people and no dogs around, we would unleash him. It gives me lotsa joy to see him enjoying himself.
Yesterday was a busy day. It was my cousin's son, Javier's 1-year-old birthday. 1st time I went to my cousin Ah Wee's place. I like it alot!!! He is a freelancing ID. I know who to look for when I need ID in future! =P
Around 5 plus, met up with Michelle to go to our boss Francis's house for a farewell gathering. He's migrating to Australia soon. He stays at a terrace house in Serangoon Gardens Estate. His place is beautiful! Very balinese style. The moment I step in, I feel like I am in a resort! Don noe how to describe it. The place seems "messy" but it's not. There are many pieces of furniture that enhances the Balinese theme. The air well is very nicely decorated too and you can see the air well from the master bedroom and study room as well. I felt the place is pretty good for a small family. How i wish i can buy it! I'm dreaming away....haha... he sold it off for $920K. I actually brought my camera along. But too pai sei to snap pictures. so unable to show u guys.
But one sad thing thou, Allan is still sick. His bout of food poisoning has not subsided. Still having diarrhoea. haiz... I really really hope he will get well soon.
p/s: Am too lazy to upload pics. maybe i will do it later on.
Came back home at 4pm. Helped MIL to prepare for dinner as the maid went out today. 2nd BIL needed to have dinner early as he got an exercise tonight. So I helped here and there wherever possible lah. We had our dinner. Then I drove 2nd BIL to AMK mrt together with MIL.
Reached home at 6.30pm. Damn shagged...
Furthermore, we went Kent Ridge park this morning with Xiaobai. It's a pretty nice place. Not much pple so we unleashed Xiaobai most of the time. I think he was super happy this morning! Running around without any restriction. Whenever we see that there isn't much people and no dogs around, we would unleash him. It gives me lotsa joy to see him enjoying himself.
Yesterday was a busy day. It was my cousin's son, Javier's 1-year-old birthday. 1st time I went to my cousin Ah Wee's place. I like it alot!!! He is a freelancing ID. I know who to look for when I need ID in future! =P
Around 5 plus, met up with Michelle to go to our boss Francis's house for a farewell gathering. He's migrating to Australia soon. He stays at a terrace house in Serangoon Gardens Estate. His place is beautiful! Very balinese style. The moment I step in, I feel like I am in a resort! Don noe how to describe it. The place seems "messy" but it's not. There are many pieces of furniture that enhances the Balinese theme. The air well is very nicely decorated too and you can see the air well from the master bedroom and study room as well. I felt the place is pretty good for a small family. How i wish i can buy it! I'm dreaming away....haha... he sold it off for $920K. I actually brought my camera along. But too pai sei to snap pictures. so unable to show u guys.
But one sad thing thou, Allan is still sick. His bout of food poisoning has not subsided. Still having diarrhoea. haiz... I really really hope he will get well soon.
p/s: Am too lazy to upload pics. maybe i will do it later on.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Few wedding pics...

I don't know why I haven't uploaded any of my wedding pics onto blog.... haha... finally gonna upload some of my pics now.
Allan is out of town again. luckily, one night for this week. So i got time to slowly do my stuff.
As for friend's pics, I'm supposed to burn for my jie-meis... haven't got to do so also. haha... i'm so lazy man. argh... when the time to meet them comes, i will do it. That reminds me that I'm going to my cousin's son 1-year old birthday. better burn one for my cousin Pauline (who is also my jie-mei).
I'v only uploaded 3 pics cos getting abit tired liao...
Saturday, November 18, 2006
The Little One....
Hadn't been updating my blog for quite some time. Feeling lazy. hee =P
And also enjoying couplehood life. Things are fine & I'm feeling happy. Life goes on with my little niece Tiffany who still has her routine of coming to knock on my door every morning, whenever possible. She's growing up real fast and she's gonna be a jie-jie soon! SIL is expecting her 2nd child in April 2007.
Little snap-shots of her. mostly taken in the early morning before we leave for work.

Tiff just had her hair trimmed...

That's her with her half-ponytail before the hair trim. Allan & her were "nua-ing" aka lazing on our bed while i was packing up.

From right: Xiaobai, Tiffany & Me! haha... Xiaobai as usual was still lazing on the armchair when Tiff climbed up and sat beside it. She pretty much likes Xiaobai and always ask Xiaobai to follow her. But most of the time, he ignores her unless there's.....tada.... food!

In the evening time, Xiao-shen aka me is back fm work. So her art & craft lesson begins. She always like to come my room and ask for pen, paper, etc and start her doodling...

Aiyo... why is Xiao-shen squeezing me so tightly? I gotta do so cos I took this pic myself. But she likes to take pics and will without fail, "I want to see" the pic after taking it.
This is my soft toy Pig. Which she really likes! And will feel so proud that she can carry the big pig. haha...
And also enjoying couplehood life. Things are fine & I'm feeling happy. Life goes on with my little niece Tiffany who still has her routine of coming to knock on my door every morning, whenever possible. She's growing up real fast and she's gonna be a jie-jie soon! SIL is expecting her 2nd child in April 2007.
Little snap-shots of her. mostly taken in the early morning before we leave for work.

Tiff just had her hair trimmed...

That's her with her half-ponytail before the hair trim. Allan & her were "nua-ing" aka lazing on our bed while i was packing up.

From right: Xiaobai, Tiffany & Me! haha... Xiaobai as usual was still lazing on the armchair when Tiff climbed up and sat beside it. She pretty much likes Xiaobai and always ask Xiaobai to follow her. But most of the time, he ignores her unless there's.....tada.... food!

In the evening time, Xiao-shen aka me is back fm work. So her art & craft lesson begins. She always like to come my room and ask for pen, paper, etc and start her doodling...

Aiyo... why is Xiao-shen squeezing me so tightly? I gotta do so cos I took this pic myself. But she likes to take pics and will without fail, "I want to see" the pic after taking it.

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