Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1st month jab!

Brought Celeste to Mt A Dr Ong for her Hep B jab cum 1month assessment.

She weighs 4.13kg and measures 53cm long!

Her birth weight was 3.19kg and measures 47cm.

Weight wise, it's normal for bb to gain 1kg from their birth weight.

This PD is kinda cute. He will tell u everything you want to ask once you go in. That is before you even ask him.

Here is what he said yesterday:

-Baby will keep making stretching sounds. (True, especially at night. stretching grunts i call it :P)

-Baby will poo lesser (This is what I noticed these 2 days. so it's normal)

-Baby will have some baby acne on the face. When weather is hot, it pops up. It will subside when weather is cool or after their bath. (True for Celeste)

-When baby vomit some milk, do not lift them up as it might cause them to choke on their vomit. Turn them to one side and pat their back. (ok, learnt something here)

These are the FAQs for 1 month baby bah. keke...
Yes, Sharon, will upload whenever I have more tips... :P next visit at 3months thou.

Hello Everybody, this is Celeste at one month old!


sharonleo said...

Hey gal, those are good tips for new mummies. do post them if you have more of them when you visit ur pd next time:P

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