Monday, June 01, 2009


The baby is sleeping soundly in his cot... and Allan is still working. So.... what do I do?

1) Go put on my mask
2) Make myself my choya+green tea
3) grab the newspapers
4) Lie in bed and blog now!

Yippee! No TV, no music now... just the blowing sound of the airconditioner....

Peace.... Sometimes silence is what you just needed.
At times, we are so immersed in the infocommunication around us that we forgets what it's like to just focus on a single thing. Multi-tasking is the norm.

surf net, watch tv, listening to music, msn-ing, facebook(or twitter, etc), talking on phone, sms-ing....

Ok, gonna sit back and enjoy my drink.
Nite nitez.......

Here's a short clip of jayden walking!

He's gonna be a toddler soon! but in my heart, always my baby! love love love...

p/s: Kelly, saw your comments! yesh, he's turning ONE soon! Very fast hor!... it seems like u just attended his full month not too long ago. :P
Wishing u a smooth delivery and hope to see ur lil kirs soon! :)

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