I was reading an article on "Smelly little secrets" aka Chow Chow(CC) and was truly tickled by it. Not that I have one, BUT....... Allan has one! Oops... sorry to spill it out but I just can't resist it! woahaha... p/s: It's not the dog species, but rather smelly pillow, in my context.
Ok, there's this bloggie that CC owners gives the intimate details of their CC.
Let me fill this up for Allan and here it goes...
Real name or Nickname: Allan
Age: 31
Location: Singapore, Upp Paya Lebar
My chowchow is called: Small Pillow (小枕头)
My chowchow is a...: a small cotton pillow which had been a great "Friend" to me...
Number of chowchow years it has lived: 28 years
History of my chowchow: I had it since I was 3 years old. Can't recall how I got it. BUt since then, I have treasured it greatly.
When was the last time your chowchow had a bath?: Never! Cos it won't smell the same again.
My family's relationship with my chowchow: They are ok since it doesn't affect them at all.
My bed partner's relationship with my chowchow: (Ok, finally I can say my part now) Although I grew to love it and seek comfort in it as well, I still cannot believe that it seems more important than me. Cos when I tried threatening to throw it away, he says he will die. Dud!
Finally, I love my chowchow because…: The smell of my chowchow give me great comfort and is the best thing to hold when I'm happy or sad.
erm..I've a cc too....but its only 10 yrs old..haha..aka small pillow too! but well..allan win hands down!
Hey carolyn! Thanks for posting this! Do get allan and Kelly to post their chowchow! Quite tough to get people to contribute man...heh.
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