Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's V-Day!

First Valentine's Day with lil one around this year! We don't buy V-Day gifts for one another... but I got a small little thing for him. *giggles* and it's still on his desk (he haven't discover it)... *sneaky grin*

Anyway, Allan and I have started our "family morning time" during Sat & Sun since last wkend. That is we will bring Jayden to nature places in the morning before he goes to work. At least we are able to bond as a family. If not, I work Mon-Fri and he works almost Every day (7days a week), only time left is night time...

Happy Valentine's Day to All of U, my dearest Friends :) *hug hug*

Oh, btw, he's taking the day off tomorrow!!! Hip hip hooray!

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