Since the day of making my 2009 NYR (New Year resolutions) on 21-Jan, I have stuck onto them so far. Here's the update!
1) Eat Healthy
The point I'm driving across is NOT to have unhealthy Supper. Stick to 3 main meals. For in-between snacks, go for nuts or fruits to satisfy hunger pangs! I'm jio-jioing my dear hubby to join me for this. But I've got a feeling he's going to abandon me on this ship. :P
>> I have lost 2 kgs so far. Pls do not be mistaken that I managed to lose them since 21-Jan till now. It just happened gradually. haha... I was super duper happy when I could get into a Size M pants at Ness the other day. Woohoo!!! And I bought the pants without any hesitation. BUT I am still like 3kg > my pre-preggy weight. :( Anyway, having slight sore throat helps during CNY by limiting me to the bak kwas, etc.2) Kill my bad habits (not sure if kill is the right word to use). Now what are they? I'm ashamed to list them. But to improve myself, I have crinch my eyes and state it.
a) STOP biting my poor lips
>> If I can STOP doing this by 12 Feb, I can safely say I have kicked the habit. ok, 12 more days to go. I was flaunting my smooth lips to Mich the other day. And she agreed too! whaha... :P We need each other around in the office to goof ard. If not, life would be reeeeeeeally boring.P/s: After this, will work on my nails....