Today, went out with my family to celebrate mum's birthday. Brought them to eat at Crystal Jade Paragon and they like the food very much! Eat until we are very full! Lotsa pics to share cos lil boy had his playful moments!!!
P/s: Missing family members are: My dad, Allan and my brother... all are WORKING!!! OK, they r excused!
Grandma hugz hugz after missing lil boy after a week!

While waiting for the lift at Paragon....
They are all eating dim sum while I'm eating my apple dessert after drinking milk milk....
Mummy and me!

Sista, mum and me....

Yiyi, Daron and lil boy....

Grandma n lil boy...

He was super happy n playful. Daron and Jayden... lil boy happily jumping and looking around...

Can see my 6 pecs??? Mummy thinks I have a toned n sexy stomach! woahaha...

One photo shot of my 6pecs only okie? Mummy says she's going to charge all the girls $2 per viewing of my stomach. hiak hiak....

Grandma & lil boy! Lotsa big head shots today yah! hehe... Grandpa gonna be JEALOUS when he sees this! but he's gotta work so?! Next week yah...hehe...

Jayden and me! Happy Happy Happy is written all over our faces yah? hehe

Mummy's & my new doggie! Nah... we borrowed it at the display shop at Paragon...for free...

Sister & me... Christmas background! hohoho....Xmas is coming!...Santa Claus, Friends, Family, Food, Xmas trees, presents.....
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