1) A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement. 2)Temporary madness or delirium. 3) A mania; a craze.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Eating Rice Cereal for the 1st time! Happy 5mths old!
My Wonderful Weekend! - Sunday....
P/s: Missing family members are: My dad, Allan and my brother... all are WORKING!!! OK, they r excused!
While waiting for the lift at Paragon.... They are all eating dim sum while I'm eating my apple dessert after drinking milk milk....
Jayden and me! Happy Happy Happy is written all over our faces yah? hehe
Commerical Time: My Hey-Hey-Hey laughing video!
He was actually laughing like tis the whole day (as commented by Minah). But we only managed to capture this... before that he was like at least twice more gigglish!
A Wonderful Weekend! -Saturday
Me with my fried ebi curry rice.
All in all, Liang Court is a bo....ring place. Aiyo... nothing much to see. But we saw some kids furniture that were so cool! Fire-engine bed frame, sports car bed frame. We will buy these in future for lil boy! It helps to fulfill our childhood fantasies! haha...
After that, I still "bu4 gan1 yan4" to return home. haha... So I suggested Barrage @ Marina. Gosh, better wear sports shoes then go hor. Need to walk quite abit. And I went at 4plus so still abit hot although the sun is hiding behind the clouds...
The lil boy is kinda unhappy... maybe the weather's abit too hot and he's wearing his long-sleeved rompers.
See! Mummystill loves me despite me being a lil moody boy! Us inside the gallery... It's bottles and bottles of plastic bottles behind us. Where's the lil one? Sitting in his stroller...hehe....
There's some more pics besides all the family pics... but I'm too lazy to upload one by one to the blog. Will add that to my facebook. Pls add me into ur fb if we're STILL NOT link.....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Fitness update 12.Nov.2008
Today's my 2nd session and target to run 2km. Managed to finish 2.4km run! What's on my mind as I hit that threadmill?
1) How long haven't I been running?
Ans: I stopped jogging since I was 5months+ preggie. That means I haven't been jogging for 10months! OMG!!! So long? I can't believe it man! haha...
2) Can I make it past 2km?
Ans: Ok, pushed myself to hit 2.4km. counting down during the last 400m!
3) I feel so contented with my life at this moment. Am I an easily contented person?
Tots: I'm pretty much easily contented. haha... With Allan, Jayden, job that allows me to continue to breastfeed, gym facilities to work out and seeing the Pasir Panjang wharves views as I jog makes me feel that life is great right now. If I'm going to change job, I hope to have gym facilities too! hehe... and also Don't take things for granted. I'm thankful for all these.
Okie, that's all for the nite. The little one has started to laugh heartily today. He was laughing at every little tickles loudly the WHOLE day today. hehe... video it down a minor part just now. will upload when got the time. =)
p/s: When he has a new development, he will keep on "practise" it the whole day and at least for the next few days.... eg: talking, squealing....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Finally pics can be uploaded!
Monday, November 10, 2008
1st Crawl today!
He did his 1st crawl this evening! He raise his butt high high and use his legs to move his whole body infront! so cute n funny. and he was even perspiring...used alot of energy lei... hmm... i started to imagine exercising is a baby's FULL TIME job. Day in day out... keep on kicking, sitting up, flipping besides sucking fingers and fist to soothe sore gums.
When he lies down, by pulling his both hands upwards, he can get up from lying down to standing up! It used to be from lie down to sit up...now he's able to stand from lie down position! so exciting to see his progress day by day.
As for mummy me, I've started going to the gym last week and even got the inspiration to buy 4D based on my jog timing that appeared on the threadmill. 1st time running...albeit slow slow jog to get momentum up again. In total, 1.83km in 18.30mins. So i was inspired to buy 1830 over the wkend. Guess what? DIDN'T STRIKE. haha...
Now the next thing I need to tackle is nite feeds. He's still waking up 2-3 times for milk.
Good thing is Jayden's taking to me bottle-feeding him. So I'm trying to give him formula milk at night to see if he can tahan longer. But last night, I was so tired that I just latch him lying down so I can sleep as well.
Ok, time to watch serial show with hubby.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Jayden's growth
He's "talking" alot more these days. very adorable. making squeals and delightful sounds.. very generous with his smiles also...
Keeps flipping whenever got the chance... don like to lie down....
Things on my mind:
1) Sign up gym at office next week... **Shucks, part of HP is moving to Depot road. Alamak, the gym shld be closing down soon. gotta check when!**
2) Bring Jayden to Hwa Xia for his 1st swim tml
3) Look out for job opportunities...
4) Pack room with hubby
5) Start bb cereal in 1 or 2 weeks time
6) When to stop breastfeeding (then i can go for my body massage. hehe)
=> Need to buy those double-vacuum flasks.... to bring hot water out.
Jotting down tasks/activities seems to put things in a better perspective.