1) A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement. 2)Temporary madness or delirium. 3) A mania; a craze.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Photos Update!

Monday, October 27, 2008
Yeah! It's a public holiday!
Today's a public holiday and my whole family(hubby side) went town for lunch at Paragon. 2nd time that Jayden is there. 1st time, he slept his way through. But today, wide awake watching us eating. Grown up liao...so more active. haha... but I fed him before the start of our lunch. So family members take turns to carry him. I really like Orchard for their great nursing room! =)
Then went Takashimaya to shop around and bought Jayden an "apple" to hold and put inside his mouth as well as an infant cutlery set as he's going to start rice cereal when he's 5months old! Had a happy family day today! =)
Now, I can't upload pics to this blog! Darn!!!! Ok, will try to upload tml yah!
Jayden hasn't poo-poo for the past 5 days! Tml must bring him see PD liao... hope he won't cry too loud when doc put enema into his little butt....
Ok, good nite and sweet dreams everyone!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
My Boy....
He likes to drink water and enjoy holding his own milk bottle now! I just bought a Pigeon magmag cup for him to drink n hold. Hopefully he will like it!
He is able to entertain himself for like 15mins if I leave him on his own. Realised that when I put him in my bed with his toy and went off to do some housework, he was exploring the toy and I was thinking,"How come no sound arh?" Usually he will be "ehehehe" liao. then I sneak in and observe him. He "guai guai" playing with his toy. This is one of the development that 4 month old can do - play on their own for a period of time. So happy!
We played flashcard over the weekend and he seems to enjoy it! Each time after I flash a card, he will take the card from me and you know what's next => Try to put it inside his mouth! luckily the flashcard is quite big so he can only lick the card at most. haha... after 8-10 cards, he's tired liao...
He likes to sit up and stand up! But he doesn't really enjoy sitting in the Bumbo seat yet. Gonna try again... =P
Now, I know his pattern liao. he will cry very loudly to try to get you to carry him. "bo chap" him awhile more then he will start to lower his volume and might even start to smile when I "scold" him. That's what happened when I brought him to my parents' place yesterday. Cried when I placed him on the mattress and told him "cannot carry" then my father played with him and after awhile later, he was laughing away! It was so cute! hehe...
Of course this doesn't work each time, sometime it's because he poo poo or need a burp...
My parents were sooo looking forward to Jayden's visit on Sunday. My dad told my mum on Saturday,"Our grandson coming tomorrow". both of them very excited to see him. and my mum will cook lunch and dinner for the whole family to eat. It kinda brings the whole family together. =) but my sis and I told my mum no need to cook next Sunday so can reserve all her energy and time to spend with Jayden. haha...
Ok, gonna upload my pics hopefully tonight! hugs & kisses to all!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
And of course with hubby by my side(he's watching his tv). hehehe... And my boy sleeping in his cot on my left.
Gosh, i'm still awake when i shld be sleeping man...
My weekend...

Mummy, don disturb me... I'm reading my ABC, 123. Pressie fm Auntie Michelle. yeahie!
Oops, TV is ON... let me take a look what's on TV before I hit the book again. =P

Ok, these were my mid afternoon activities... next is the highlight of the day! Going for a stroll! Mummy decided to bring me for an hour long stroll! woohoo....
Are we READY? Jayden in his stroller with his "po chim aka bolster" and mini fan courtesy of Ah Yi...in case he gets too hot.
This boy likes to "kiao kar" - put his leg up while sitting in the pram. luckily he's a boy so I don really care. haha... but at one point, he sticks BOTH legs up and his left leg keeps kicking the fan. OK, Mummy keep fan liao...don want it to get spoiled.
He looks abit grouchy yah? hehe... He kept putting his finger into his mouth and make those loud "chum chum"-suckling sound. abit embarrassing...
At one point, I was sitting down on a bench trying to read something. An auntie walked past us and started to look at him (think it's bcos of him sucking his fingers so LOUDLY). Then she started playing with his legs and asked,"Boy huh?" I replied,"Yah." "Handsome boy!"the auntie said to Jayden and guess what? From not much facial expression, he gave the widest and sweetest grin *-*... lolz.. below is me trying to make him smile... but the one he gave the auntie is much better than this...without that fist in his mouth.
Today I went Junction 8 to meet up with Sharon n Huiyi to catch up with one another. Also to do my grocery shopping! I was suggesting Christmas celebration this year to be at Sharon's place. Easier man...then can bring the little one for celebrations! =)
Time to rest n recharge for a new work week!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Baby Jayden is 4months old today!

Ok, look here! he's so chubby in this pic... Mummy and Daddy going out soon after...Allan and I on our way home from Bugis...took a pic while waiting for the light to turn green.
Mummy and Daddy home liao! Jayden didn't really smile. take another one...
At least he's looking into the camera this time round.
I realised he's starting to enjoy his tummy time one fine day when he woke up from his tummy down sleeping position in his cot and doing his mini push ups. so i quickly went to grab my camera and took these precious shots!
I let him practise on the bed....he's not crying liao...enjoying it! he used to dislike tummy time.
Taken before I left for work earlier this week. He's wailing away after lying there for some time. Once he's bored, he will cry super loud.
What a long post today... =)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
My Day...
Anyway, some new things tt I encountered today...
1) there's actually a dictionary function in my nokia 6500 phone! i didn't know tat!
2) I kena charged 20cents by Starhub when I selected "Finance-Top 3 gainers in stock market" today as I was exploring my phone.
3) Gave an elderly lady my seat on my train ride back. She asked me,"Are you getting off soon?" I told her yes, a few stops away so that she would take my seat. A very neat and pleasant looking lady. She even smiled and said thank you to me when I was about to get off the train. =)