But breakfast, lunch are must. Decided to pump 3hr interval first then see how it goes fm there.
When I see other friends who stopped bf, sometimes kinda envy them. More carefree... family members or helpers can feed their babies. so going out no need to worry on boobs exploding and what-nots. It's not easy when I think back on the initial phase-engorgement, etc. 1st time mothers need all the support man! Family support is very important. Sometimes when no positive family support, I really feel like giving up. But Allan's unwavering support kept me going. And the fulfillment and bonding with baby is just too amazing.
Been too busy lately to update. I've attended a few forum mummies gatherings as well and they were fun! We have become like friends and some even like sistas. =)
Me slinging Ah-bi successfully for the 1st time. The moment i put him in, he slept!

During my gathering with Sharon n Huiyi together with Jayden. Lucky he was manageable. Phew! Sling him and shop...

Sucking his thumb. It's their auto thingy. Stuffing fists into mouth.

Pic taken today at my mum's place. Ah-yi playing with Jayden before mummy change his diaper. He showed his explosive poo-poo power to my sis n mum. haha.... He play until very happy. Can see his smile! He very happy at my mum's place. smile to everyone...he's everyone's little darling. =)

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