Me... shag looking? had a shag day at work. that's why. and hungry liao... haha... These days, don't really feel like taking pics. don noe why? maybe feel that don't look that nice also. no need to take. but life seems boring without capturing that moment. so lug my camera in my already heavy bag.Hubby's artistic shot while waiting for our dinner to arrive. It's taken from where we sit. Nice shot yah? Keep it up, honey!
When the claypot rice came, the assistant took out the ingredients which were on the top layer. Then added the dark soya sauce and oil into the rice and stirred. We added the ingredients into the rice and stir midway. taste more delicious that way.
The rice and the ingredients... couldn't wait liao... so no more pics. haha....
Then that's a durian stall besides. I felt like eating so we bought a D24. Sat there and eat. It was so windy and relaxing.
Hubby: lo-mantic boh?
Me: (Giggling)... If we ignore whatever is going on around us and focus on just the two of us, YES, it's romantic...
Actually, it's my 1st time buying & eating durian in Geylang. But this shop that we found is not those brightly-lit big stalls that you see usually. It's just both of us sitting there and enjoying the durian. The strong breeze... dark blue sky... traffic passing by. I had a "I'm out of Singapore" feeling. Definitely feels kinda romantic. It's really refreshing and great! I'm enjoying life with its simple pleasures.
Next, we went Suntec to shop for fish oil (pregnant supplements for baby's brains development). Actually, one of my main motive is SHOPPING. saw that Spring Maternity had sales in the papers. lolz... woah! it's really great discounts... items were marked down like 70%. I especially relishes shopping when there's great discounts. the feeling of getting a good buy is my retail therapy. and furthermore, maternity wear, no point to spend so much also. wear a few months then can keep one side. I got 2 dresses and 2 bottoms. Yippee! I was the last customer. Hubby asked,"Why never get some tops?" I replied,"Honey, the shop is closing liao." I'm contemplating to go to their nearest branch near me to buy some tops after this. haha....
I was a happy mummy-to-be last night! had my fill. i ate almost the entire durian by myself! was still full when I reached home. This morning, my left leg cramped then i shouted for hubby to help. some time later, my right leg cramped. again, alerted hubby. he cannot sleep in peace. At that moment, I cannot imagine what if hubby is not by my side. I think that would be very sad. I cherish my time spent with him although we are always doing our own things when we are back home. but being beside one another is enough for me. Love you honey!
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