Thursday, November 22, 2007


I know it's useless to complain. but sometimes it's just a way of letting off the steam. hehe... let this be the holy place to let me blare whatever I have to say.

This week is d week that really drained me out since I've joined here. I was already contemplating to take leave on Fri since Tuesday. can you imagine? It's been conference calls non-stop these days. Thank god my company does provide a handset for us to use. If not, I think my ears would have gotten numb at the end of the day. My Tues was worst ever for me. Had conf call from 9AM till 530PM. only break was 1230 till 2PM. That was listening/talking for 7 hours! My God!

And something that I must vent out is I don't understand how some people in this world have no sense of urgency, no sense of responsibility and no team-work! Such a B.I.T.C.H. Think they can work with their mouths. All talk and no actions. They should go and be in Marketing. And today I just had an argument with her before knocking off. Gosh! Since she's not doing her job, bo-pian lor. I checked with her team-member(let's call him A) yesterday and did the updates last night so that relevant people can react in soonest time. In manufacturing, time is precious. We are so near to the start of build yet she can take her bloody own sweet time. And she emailed me today on additional updates. I took a look and realised it doesn't seem to be correct. I mean her understanding of A's data. Yesterday I had spoken to A and clarified whatever queries I had before doing the updates. And we argued as she mentioned my thoughts were wrong. I decided to conf A in to find out who's understanding is right. SHE JUST ASSUMED without checking with A. Indeed, my understanding and updates were correct. And upon learning that, she tried to insist her way of presenting the info but that would simply confuse everyone. Managed to shut her off then. glad that at least A and my way of doing things is aligned. But I just don't understand why some people can be so lazy to simply just ASSUME when getting the answer is just a phone-call away. realli feel like slapping her.

I keep telling myself not to get worked up. should cool down... but given my temperament, it's quite difficult to be cool. haha...

And I still have other issues on work on-hand to settled urgently as well. ARGH!
The company is having a celebration next Thurs and I'm asked to be the team's mascot! I feel like rejecting it but my name has been submitted up. I feel too over-whelmed with work and right now, whatever "miscellaneous" thing that comes along, it just kinda piss me off. althou i'm trying hard to tune myself to be positive and sporting which is the usual ME.

i'm going to be a bad bad girl tomorrow... going take leave to rest. but at the back of my mind, i can't keep work off my mind.

cool down gal... ice ice baby...woahaha...

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