Xiaobai aka her beloved dog has done something 'proud'. He caught a rat! a rata-teeling rat! the situation was so exciting. i missed the exciting part thou. By the time I got down, i saw a squirming victim laying on the floor.
Ok, my dog has been rushing to the storeroom for the past few days. He barked at times. at what? we DON NOE! got rat? or got cockroach? god knows. then came this late afternoon when my eyes were goggy from doing work. I heard lotsa exclaimation at the living room. went down and my MIL and the 2 maids were looking for the rat. apparently there really was a rat in the storeroom. And it has scrambled out bravely to the praying table. MIL saw it. then it ventured to the water feature. Minah kept on trying... MIL and I gave up hope (i didn't do anything thou. just stand and watch. haha) and I suggested we put a rat trap tonight in the living room to lure the pest out. then suddenly Minah strike gold with the cane fumbling the hole. the rat came out and Xiaobai bit it once and let go. but the rat suffered injury liao. Xiaobai, for as long as I know is kinda timid but always put on a strong front. He always bark at cockroaches, etc but never caught them before. So I can imagine even if the rat is in front of it, he would just bark and scare it to death. By the way i went to see, MIL told me it bite the rat, I was surprised. She was full of praise for his bravery! haha... tonight, he will be rewarded with her bak kut teh. MIL cooked this tonight... i tested it and it's yummy! Xiaobai is in luck. to achieve this feat on this day where there's bak kut teh. perfect timing.
Think i'm abit crazy. mood swing? hack! as long as the mood is good, what does it matters?
Some pics taken lately...
Us at Sakae sushi @ Wheelock... the day where we spent an idyllic evening at Orchard. i shall not mention which day. but I truly enjoyed the time spent with hubby. We haven't been to Orchard like this for months!

Another shot at Sakae sushi. don like this shot cos it makes me look plump but hubby looks great lei. better than the previous shot.Tiffany and me. She likes this pinky hairband of mine. It's my one and only hairband. She clamped her hand at PIL's door and was crying. To cheer her up, I make her pretty pretty and she was very happy when she went to see her reflection in the mirror. Asked her if she wanna take pic and she nodded. girls are still girls... do this type of girly thing makes us happy!
Time for my bak kut teh now! but not before hubby reaches home thou.