Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Have U wondered about the Wonders of Internet?

Recently, I was having a question in my head and not sure who to ask. Guess what came to my mind? The INTERNET! I pondered and thought this generation is fortunate in the sense that we can get knowledge, information anytime, anywhere. So long as we have an internet connection. My generation have went through the search for information through reference books. Where primary school or secondary school projects, then we know it's time to head to the "Reference section" of the library. Then you cannot borrow the books, you need to photo-stat them. And the queue is usually long. You need to buy the pre-stored card where you slot it into the photo-copier then you can start zapping with whatever credit you have inside.

After a decade, I realised I have treated internet as if it was there when I was born. Come to think of it, we really had it easy now. Anything we don't know, just type it into the google search.

Searching through the history of internet. Phew! One long list of who done what and so on....
If you are interested, you can visit the link below:

Hmm... getting tired easily these days. Never seem to get enough of sleep. gosh! It's not like i'm losing my motivation for work.

Anyway, got a busy week ahead of me...

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