I'm not really sad or what. Just don't really feel happy today.
Ironically, I find work enjoyable today. Or rather a way to keep my mind occupied and also for that sense of satisfaction. Never thought I would felt so. To the extend that one of my counterpart wondered why I so ON.... trying to get E-award or what... haha... (p/s: E-award is my company's way of rewarding employees with $$$) That's not my purpose.
I guess we get Lost once in a while. I also know that without down, there's no up. peaks and crests come hand in hand. but still? part and puzzle of life.
How do you perk yourself up when you feel down? I need to find mine...
It would be nice if there's a quiet sanctuary where I can be alone and not talk to anyone.
Maybe I have been thinking too much. I should perhaps savour each moment in life. whatever it is. Take it as it comes.
=) well... feel better now. back to work....
1) A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement. 2)Temporary madness or delirium. 3) A mania; a craze.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Little Ones update....
Hee... I'm really fanatic about kids.... they are simply adorable. 
I like to put her on my lap like this. I can see her face-to-face and play with her.
The innocent pose... what can they do wrong?
Tiffany with her "sha-gua tou" cos of her straight bangs. haha.... she came back after her hair-cut and asked Allan,"Xiao-shu, I pretty or not?" cutie....
I was playing with Natalie after dinner just now. She was so happy! keep making alot of LOUD NOISES. She can't speak so she will make loud noise to indicate her mood. My FIL says she's really happy man. woahaha... seeing her so happy makes me feel happy too.
Fun to play with... but when I'm tired, I can pass them back to their parents, or my in-laws or the maids. haha...
I wonder if I'm abit crazy. They are not my kids but still I adore them ALOT! I don't think my sis-in-law will feel so towards my kids in future. Oops... =P
Me "kidnapping" Natalie to my room as her parents are out. hiak hiak...
I like to put her on my lap like this. I can see her face-to-face and play with her.
My Makeover @22 Aug
Metro gave a free makeover at The Makeover as birthday gift.

Will be able to collect the pics after 5-Sept. The complimentary ones quite pathetic. 2 pcs of 2R size pics in a 4R picture. I developed 2 more 4R pics at $10 each.
Anyway, came home have dinner and asked Allan to snap some pics... at least still got the makeup. haha....
Feel that when going for such makeover shots, you must roughly know how to pose. For me, previous experience? Ya, I said during my bridal photoshot. hehe...
Milestone: Hit my 300 blog post
Woah, I couldn't imagine.... I have posted 300 blogs so far!
This is my # 301.
Hurray! Hopefully this blog site will always be here. Accompanying my ups and downs...
This is my # 301.
Hurray! Hopefully this blog site will always be here. Accompanying my ups and downs...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Singapore National Anthem
I have been wondering for quite some time on the meaning of Singapore National Anthem. Finally got down to finding it so wish to share with you.
A sudden question flashed through my mind. How many Singaporeans actually understood what our national anthem is... I mean besides Malay of course. =P
Mari kita rakyat Singapura [Come, fellow Singaporeans]
Sama-sama menuju bahagia [Let us progress towards happiness together]
Cita-cita kita yang mulia [May our noble aspiration bring]
Berjaya Singapura [Singapore success]
Marilah kita bersatu [Come, let us unite]
Dengan semangat yang baru [In a new spirit]
Semua kita berseru [Let our voices soar as one]
Majulah Singapura [Onward Singapore]
Majulah Singapura [Onward Singapore]
A sudden question flashed through my mind. How many Singaporeans actually understood what our national anthem is... I mean besides Malay of course. =P
Mari kita rakyat Singapura [Come, fellow Singaporeans]
Sama-sama menuju bahagia [Let us progress towards happiness together]
Cita-cita kita yang mulia [May our noble aspiration bring]
Berjaya Singapura [Singapore success]
Marilah kita bersatu [Come, let us unite]
Dengan semangat yang baru [In a new spirit]
Semua kita berseru [Let our voices soar as one]
Majulah Singapura [Onward Singapore]
Majulah Singapura [Onward Singapore]
Facebook... Tunes...
Listening to Madonna & Paris Hilton.... Can you imagine? I went to download Paris Hilton's "Nothing In This World" when it just launched. Found it very catchy. Hubby not in right now so I can blast songs like "Don Cha" loud... lolz...
Read from The Straits Times that facebook is the most "IN" thing. haha... tried it and invited friends to hook up on that. Not exactly sure how great it will be though.
My elder niece Tiffany is coming to 3 years old soon. She's adorable. She will come up by herself and open the door to my room all by herself. Tall enough now. Sometimes when we doesn't expect it. like we could be lounging in bed and then suddenly the door knob turns and she is there calling us then running in. haha...
Read from The Straits Times that facebook is the most "IN" thing. haha... tried it and invited friends to hook up on that. Not exactly sure how great it will be though.
My elder niece Tiffany is coming to 3 years old soon. She's adorable. She will come up by herself and open the door to my room all by herself. Tall enough now. Sometimes when we doesn't expect it. like we could be lounging in bed and then suddenly the door knob turns and she is there calling us then running in. haha...
Birthday celebrationz @ the Office
Survey: Allow pets on public transport?
Here's a chance to voice your opinion. A survey by LTA whether to allow pets on public transport. =)
I didn't support it. cos I can imagine my dog start barking at other pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, etc) and I got to get down the train. Imagine every train has got a pet, I don't think i will ever reach my destination. haha... I would rather take a cab if ain't got a car.
I didn't support it. cos I can imagine my dog start barking at other pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, etc) and I got to get down the train. Imagine every train has got a pet, I don't think i will ever reach my destination. haha... I would rather take a cab if ain't got a car.
Have U wondered about the Wonders of Internet?
Recently, I was having a question in my head and not sure who to ask. Guess what came to my mind? The INTERNET! I pondered and thought this generation is fortunate in the sense that we can get knowledge, information anytime, anywhere. So long as we have an internet connection. My generation have went through the search for information through reference books. Where primary school or secondary school projects, then we know it's time to head to the "Reference section" of the library. Then you cannot borrow the books, you need to photo-stat them. And the queue is usually long. You need to buy the pre-stored card where you slot it into the photo-copier then you can start zapping with whatever credit you have inside.
After a decade, I realised I have treated internet as if it was there when I was born. Come to think of it, we really had it easy now. Anything we don't know, just type it into the google search.
Searching through the history of internet. Phew! One long list of who done what and so on....
If you are interested, you can visit the link below:
Hmm... getting tired easily these days. Never seem to get enough of sleep. gosh! It's not like i'm losing my motivation for work.
Anyway, got a busy week ahead of me...
After a decade, I realised I have treated internet as if it was there when I was born. Come to think of it, we really had it easy now. Anything we don't know, just type it into the google search.
Searching through the history of internet. Phew! One long list of who done what and so on....
If you are interested, you can visit the link below:
Hmm... getting tired easily these days. Never seem to get enough of sleep. gosh! It's not like i'm losing my motivation for work.
Anyway, got a busy week ahead of me...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Free Photo Printing & delivered to U!
Snapfish has come to Singapore shores!
New account set up will get you 20 free photos. For a fee of S$1.90, it will come to your letter-box. Don't need to wait liao. Just sign up and grab this free deal!
I think this Snapfish will work. Usual cost of printing 1 picture is $0.19. Currently, cheapest in our market is $0.20. And gotta drive there somemore. think this is cool...
I'm still coughing like crazy..... till my lungs hurt. argh!
New account set up will get you 20 free photos. For a fee of S$1.90, it will come to your letter-box. Don't need to wait liao. Just sign up and grab this free deal!
I think this Snapfish will work. Usual cost of printing 1 picture is $0.19. Currently, cheapest in our market is $0.20. And gotta drive there somemore. think this is cool...
I'm still coughing like crazy..... till my lungs hurt. argh!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
What age do U wanna retire at?
Hubby and I was watching the NDP speech rally when Wong Kan Seng said something like this, "Singaporeans, do not worry that you will not have enough money when you retire. The Government will look into ways to push back retirement age so that you can still continue to earn money." I was appalled to hear that! That is a solution? Do we want to work till 70 years?
So I'm curious what age have you thought you actually want to retire? Meaning: Does Not mean not working at all. It means you do not work because you need the money for retirement or basic needs. I will usually put it as 45. That's my dream retirement age lah. Not sure if I can achieve it... hehe.... but I will still continue working to keep myself busy.
I believed the Govt has received alot of feedback regarding their solution. And today's Straits Times came up with alot of statistics to prove their worth. Come on lah, of course my generation cannot depend on CPF funds for retirement. WHY? We are working our ass off to pay off the 30 years loan for the small HDB flat that we purchased. By the time, it's repaid, we will be in our 55 years old. take it that we bought it age age 25.
HDB prices has been rising too much. 23 years ago, my dad bought our yishun 4-room flat for about $46K. He paid it off within 5~6 years with his CPF savings and monthly contribution. I'm earning about the same as him now. but the flat that I bought was $250K and this is considered cheap these days. How many times over has HDB flat risen? It's not like our pay now is 5 times higher than the past.
That's why our financial service sector is doing well these days compared to the past. Then, people have their CPF funds to depend on for retirement as well as their children. And we, the next generation knows how tough it is for support ourselves and our parents. Hence, my thoughts are don't depend on your children. Do your own financial planning. Which is why investment sector is doing very well. People are not so afraid of putting their $$$ into unit trust, equities, etc. Plus, a booming economy...
Why do we have to work longer because of govt's incompetence at the CPF scheme? This used to serve as a retirement vehicle but now? It's never gonna to be unless you don't ever buy a flat. Just fyi: Minimum Retirement Sum is $99,600 at the moment. Do you think you can accumulate this amount after paying off the flat?
So I think they really have to re-think about this CPF scheme. What is the purpose going to be NOW? A higher interest rate would be good. But do NOT do so at the expense of higher interest rate for majority of people who borrow from them to finance the flats.
Let's see what the government will continue to say. BUT do not raise your hopes too HIGH.
So I'm curious what age have you thought you actually want to retire? Meaning: Does Not mean not working at all. It means you do not work because you need the money for retirement or basic needs. I will usually put it as 45. That's my dream retirement age lah. Not sure if I can achieve it... hehe.... but I will still continue working to keep myself busy.
I believed the Govt has received alot of feedback regarding their solution. And today's Straits Times came up with alot of statistics to prove their worth. Come on lah, of course my generation cannot depend on CPF funds for retirement. WHY? We are working our ass off to pay off the 30 years loan for the small HDB flat that we purchased. By the time, it's repaid, we will be in our 55 years old. take it that we bought it age age 25.
HDB prices has been rising too much. 23 years ago, my dad bought our yishun 4-room flat for about $46K. He paid it off within 5~6 years with his CPF savings and monthly contribution. I'm earning about the same as him now. but the flat that I bought was $250K and this is considered cheap these days. How many times over has HDB flat risen? It's not like our pay now is 5 times higher than the past.
That's why our financial service sector is doing well these days compared to the past. Then, people have their CPF funds to depend on for retirement as well as their children. And we, the next generation knows how tough it is for support ourselves and our parents. Hence, my thoughts are don't depend on your children. Do your own financial planning. Which is why investment sector is doing very well. People are not so afraid of putting their $$$ into unit trust, equities, etc. Plus, a booming economy...
Why do we have to work longer because of govt's incompetence at the CPF scheme? This used to serve as a retirement vehicle but now? It's never gonna to be unless you don't ever buy a flat. Just fyi: Minimum Retirement Sum is $99,600 at the moment. Do you think you can accumulate this amount after paying off the flat?
So I think they really have to re-think about this CPF scheme. What is the purpose going to be NOW? A higher interest rate would be good. But do NOT do so at the expense of higher interest rate for majority of people who borrow from them to finance the flats.
Let's see what the government will continue to say. BUT do not raise your hopes too HIGH.
Fallen ill....
Haven't been logging in for a long long time.....
Little Missy has been fallen ill for these couple of days. still feeling terrible today. Now sipping on MIL's recipe: 1 freshly squeezed lemon, honey and some water. Voila! It's a recipe to soothe my throat. It keeps getting itchy.
We went for dim sum buffet at the Cherry Garden@The Oriental on National Day itself. 4 of us (MIL and 2nd BIL).... courtesy of 2nd BIL.hehe... Very nice ambience and attentive staff. The food is pretty good too. Recommended! One pax is $38++. so it works out to $45.
That night, I suddenly woke up and couldn't sleep from 1plus to 4am. My throat was feeling terrible. Then I realised my voice is cracking. still cracking today.
Allan has been really wonderful while I was down these couple of days. Waking up at night to make sure I'm OK. He went out to tapao pork porridge for me last night. hehe... feels so sweet inside.
Not too long ago, we went to explore Dempsey Hills. Woah, quite happening. alot of cars there. We wanted to go into Harrys cos there's a live band. When we opened the door and stepped in, we looked around and shook our head and got out of there. It was deafening! I cannot imagine how those people could stand the loud music. Then we went to the one beside it: Quarubar. Inside is much better. Lounge, jazzy music. There were also musicians playing life music too. It's a place where gals gathering could definitely end up with drinks and chats.
Hope I will recover asap... God Bless Me!
Little Missy has been fallen ill for these couple of days. still feeling terrible today. Now sipping on MIL's recipe: 1 freshly squeezed lemon, honey and some water. Voila! It's a recipe to soothe my throat. It keeps getting itchy.
We went for dim sum buffet at the Cherry Garden@The Oriental on National Day itself. 4 of us (MIL and 2nd BIL).... courtesy of 2nd BIL.hehe... Very nice ambience and attentive staff. The food is pretty good too. Recommended! One pax is $38++. so it works out to $45.
That night, I suddenly woke up and couldn't sleep from 1plus to 4am. My throat was feeling terrible. Then I realised my voice is cracking. still cracking today.
Allan has been really wonderful while I was down these couple of days. Waking up at night to make sure I'm OK. He went out to tapao pork porridge for me last night. hehe... feels so sweet inside.
Not too long ago, we went to explore Dempsey Hills. Woah, quite happening. alot of cars there. We wanted to go into Harrys cos there's a live band. When we opened the door and stepped in, we looked around and shook our head and got out of there. It was deafening! I cannot imagine how those people could stand the loud music. Then we went to the one beside it: Quarubar. Inside is much better. Lounge, jazzy music. There were also musicians playing life music too. It's a place where gals gathering could definitely end up with drinks and chats.
Hope I will recover asap... God Bless Me!
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