Thursday, March 08, 2007


I was woken up this morning with a pain bout of cramp at my abdominal area. I was still thinking,"Gosh, what on earth is happening." After a trip to the loo, then I realised it was my menses starting. Damn it! I went back to my bed and tried to get back to sleep. It was still painful at 7plus. So decided to take MC and rest since it's hurting. I can foresee that if I went to work, I cannot take it and will come home halfway. So no point too... Still must waste money taking cab.

Still, there are some emails that I must respond to cause time is running out. Thank god I brought my laptop home. So started working at 8.30 in my room.

BUT I realised since last night that I am becoming more inefficient. And lethargic. Last night tried to write an email but took bloody long to get it done. So I am still thinking what is wrong with me? Is it plain tired or what? I'm still thinking the reason. Am I being de-motivated by anything? I'm not sure. But I must find a way to get through this.

My mind keeps thinking about work. Also, my email inbox is in such a mess. And I need to find a way to improve some of my work processes or format. You see, there are a thousand and one things that I need to do.

I must use today to have a good good rest. Staring at the computer screen the entire day is NOT good!!! I need to go have a shower, rest in bed with my book and see if I can catch a nap.

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