Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tiring Nite...

Reached home early tonight. Going to HB's place although he will be coming home late tonight. His bosses, colleagues are going out for dinner & drinking session. They are instructed not to drive today to work. I was thinking of picking him up. But alas, don't know how to drive to U E Square lei... i only know it's somewhere near the Sketches, Moham Sultan there. Moreover, not sure what time he will be finishing.

Thought of coming to his place to rest tonight, watch Korean show and read my book. But have been taking of my little niece since 7plus till now, minus away the time when the maid bathed her. We played ball, surf net, play handphone and doodle things together. The little one wanted to go to my in-laws' room and she played there for quite awhile. Told her I going back to "see computer", then she held onto my hand and pulled me towards my own room liao. Meaning, she wants to go with me too. Quite cute right? How to "abandon" her like that. hehe... she's full of funny actions at times. BUt quite tiring man, no time to do my own things. Kids arh, play with them for awhile seems fun. But to really take care of them requires alot of time and energy. No wonder people says to have kids when u r young. You see, I feel abit tired already. RIght now, I don't feel like talking or anything. Shag...

It seems like everybody is too busy to update their blogs. Always no updates when I visit their blogs...

Sometimes I feel that BLOG kinda lose their purpose. In a sense, you want to express something out but there might be some people whom you do not want to read your blog. It's like you can't really express your innermost thoughts although you feel like it. Maybe that's when you need a really really private blog whereby only u and u alone have access to it. I guess most bloggers will have this kinda thought at some point in time.

Feel very exhausted today... think it has been an exhausting week. But I'm looking forward to tomorrow! Cos it's a holiday on Friday!! Yeahie!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my dear, u look so beautiful..
cant wait to see the photo shoot one. :)