Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1st month jab!

Brought Celeste to Mt A Dr Ong for her Hep B jab cum 1month assessment.

She weighs 4.13kg and measures 53cm long!

Her birth weight was 3.19kg and measures 47cm.

Weight wise, it's normal for bb to gain 1kg from their birth weight.

This PD is kinda cute. He will tell u everything you want to ask once you go in. That is before you even ask him.

Here is what he said yesterday:

-Baby will keep making stretching sounds. (True, especially at night. stretching grunts i call it :P)

-Baby will poo lesser (This is what I noticed these 2 days. so it's normal)

-Baby will have some baby acne on the face. When weather is hot, it pops up. It will subside when weather is cool or after their bath. (True for Celeste)

-When baby vomit some milk, do not lift them up as it might cause them to choke on their vomit. Turn them to one side and pat their back. (ok, learnt something here)

These are the FAQs for 1 month baby bah. keke...
Yes, Sharon, will upload whenever I have more tips... :P next visit at 3months thou.

Hello Everybody, this is Celeste at one month old!

Friday, July 23, 2010

It's my 30th Birthday!

Today marks an important date. The Big 3-0 Birthday! It so happened that the lunar calendar is the same as my angmoh one. Though I am still in confinement with baby Celeste, I told myself I MUST blog abt my birthday TODAY! baby guai guai sleeping after drinking neh neh so I can come in here. :P

I received the sweetest gift from hubby
A photo-book which he compiled. It brings back all the memories of our outings and trips with Jayden. I enjoyed every single page of it and even read it again before I turned in last night. Quite a number of typo errors...keke... but i noe hubby spelling not very good. haha.... :P

Latest book from Nicholas Sparks which I didn't even know it's out!

2 more books from Mike Gayle which I had not bought.

Thanks honey!

My biggest birthday present is:

My baby Celeste (hmm... I really like this name. erhmm(clear throat), it is given by me. :P
Besides meaning heavenly or divine, it sounds kinda like in a celebration mode yah?

Monday, July 05, 2010

Life with an 8 days old baby

I spoke too soon. Celeste reverted to staying awake last night from 1-3am. Finally when she slept, I could go and have some biscuits, drink some tea to replenish the fluids before I slept. :) When she woke up at 4.30am for milk feed, Minah woke up to make some 30ml of formula to feed her. Then baby slept till ard 7am.

Mostly, I will take care of lil Celeste at night as the helper still needs to do household chores in the day. But at least she is there in case I am not feeling well like the first night where I keep having cold shivers. It feels like those when I took epidural (side effects) when delivering Jayden.

My day begins like this:
After night of feeding, changing diapers, burping Celeste, we wake up to a Brand New Day like Today:

7am: Feed Baby
8am: Have breakfast (love the scrambled eggs prepared by Hubby today! :)
9am: Baby goes for her milk bath (hah, just kidding!) followed by topless suntanning for a while.
Allan and Jayden bath together before he needs to go to work.
10am: Gave her a milk feed before she takes her nap.
**This is the most crucial part where I need to go nap too to replenish my energy for the day.
11.30am: I awake.
12noon: Baby awake for feed.
12.30pm: Lunch for moi.
1pm: Bath time for moi! most happy part of the day. haha...
6.30pm: Dinner.
8pm: Wipe baby to prepare for the night.
8.30pm: Jayden comes into room to spend time with daddy and mommy till he falls asleep at around 10pm.

She's cute when she open her eyes and we interact. I'm telling myself this might be the last time we are having a kid so must treasure time with Celeste. I love smelling newborn! Can't get enough of it.

Ok, till then.

Luv from Mommy.

Sunday, July 04, 2010


Just fed Celeste and I m lucky for today, she slept after this milk feed. Past 2 nights, she stayed awake till 2.30am.
Waiting for my date tea to cool down before I can drink it fast.

Relationship with 2nd child is pretty different from the first born. It takes longer time to feel the attachment. Somehow.... Slowly, the love for the lil one develops just that it ain't instant like the first time round.

I m starting to love the lil princess ESP when i see her smile! I love to stroke her hair. So much n so soft. :)

Am looking forward to the joy that she is going to bring us.

Love u all my babies -> hubby, jayden n Celeste!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Life as a Mommy of 2!

Finally our Princess Celeste has arrived on 26-June at 2.08pm!
Weight: 3.19kg
Length: 47cm
Head circumference: 36.5cm

1st time giving birth via C-sect as Celeste is still breech as of 38th week checkup.
Hence, we decided to play it safe to go for Csect straight.

It happened so fast and before you knew it, the baby is out.

There was a false alarm on the night of 25-June (3am). I had regular contractions at 5mins interval for 1.5hrs. Thought that was it. Called for Dr Paul and was told to go to labour ward. Who knows after my 2nd visit to the toilet, the contractions stopped! Had to call Dr Paul to say that we are not going and will monitor how. We went for checkup the next day just to make sure baby is fine. Very embarrasing about the false alarm. He mentioned it is common for 2nd pregnancy to have strong braxton hicks. :P Allan said it's due to the Ben & Jerry ice cream which i ate the night before sleeping.

After deciding to deliver Celeste on 26th July (which is 15th of May in the lunar calendar)
We checked into Mt A at 11am. At 1+pm, I was wheeled into the waiting area of the Operating Theatre (OT).

Finally I was in the OT at 13.55.
I was still kpo enough to ask my anathetist (Dr Philip Tseng) if he and Dr Paul are brothers!
haha... he was candid and just said Yes! Ok, then I was put to sleep V V Fast.

The moment I woke up which is 3+pm, started to feel the wound. pain... and "suan suan" but still bearable. Then I was on the drip which had painkillers and that made me super drowsy till the next day. But I still got breastfeed baby. I think she also blur blur hence the latch not very good and strong.

I got down on my 2nd day to walk around, make sure can pee after cathetre is removed. 1st time stand up abit wobbly. But after that, it is ok. walk slowly... Will visit Dr Paul one week after discharge hence next Tues.

Thank god Celeste jaundice level is not too high hence we could go home together! Visiting Dr Ong tomorrow for her checkup. Next time, we will go to the Tampines one.

We have not received our hospital bill yet as we opted for the credit card payment which we will only be charged the final bill. Hope we don't faint upon seeing it!~

So currently working on breastfeeding but not giving myself too much stress. If don have enough bm, then give fm. It is the breastfeeding part which is really tough.

hmm... gg to rest before the lil one wakes up for feeding.