- bought suit for baby to wear home (done)
-to swaddle baby (done)
-cordlife (done)
-newborn diapers (not done)
-more pyjamas dress for myself. (not done) need to go John little
- find out missing screws for baby cot (not done) - to be done by Hubby!
- small milk bottles (managed to find 5 bottles, just need to get size 1 teats) - save money. no need to buy new ones.
that's all i can think of now.
As of last checkup, baby haven't turn yet. gal gal, guai hor... slowly make your way and turn upside down. :) gg for my 36 weeks checkup this sat. then it will be every week. gosh, D-day coming soon!
Bought this sweet top and bottom from kiddy palace. happie! need to wash soon and pack in my delivery bag.

I love all things pink, as you can see! the momma girly instinct out in full force.