Somehow today is just not my day. Argh! being nagged by boss right at morning. and things that I'm supposed to do to salvage some situation... can't get hold of the relevant people. it's really damn sianz... waste of time. not very productive today. tonnes of things to do. yet those are urgent, I can't complete it.
Today I realised something about work. It's either waiting for people to provide you some data. Or you need to provide someone else the data. It's all about dependency. And there's no way to run away from this type of "waiting game". just felt so sick of the "waiting game" today.
But it's the people in the work environment that do makes a difference as well. be they within your own team or from other departments. For me, i thank God that I have Aimin who is my best pal in the team. Also now, I have Qiu-er and Long-er to accompany till next Wed. they are our IA students. haha... this is not mushy okie. this morning, they sent me an email that goes like this.... "Hi honey, here's our ghant chart." woo... feels abit cold suddenly. lolz... but it's fun. so I shall call them their new nick to make their goose-pimples stand as well. cranky me.
I seriously hope things will get better tomorrow onwards... JIA YOU!
Sickening people, I don't really give a damn. maybe good gossip topics. else life will be so boring right?
Today on the train ride home, i could feel the little one kicking me!!! 3 movements... but I think some were hand movements and some were legs la... cos the position change very fast. So exciting. then I placed my hand on the tummy. to anticipate.... haha... don noe if pple think i'm crazy bo. but it's really amazing....
Ok, tomorrow will be a brighter day! I HOPE....
1) A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement. 2)Temporary madness or delirium. 3) A mania; a craze.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Pics from my mobile
One Friday, hubby and I went to the hawker center @ Esplanade for dinner. This is gado gado with satay... yummy!
After walking around to digest our full full dinner... we went to Max Brenner @ Esplandade. It is simply a chocoholic haven!!! We ordered the waffle.... delicious too. We will try their souffle and cakes next time.
This is a picture taken at our Changi T3! Nice, spacious..... went there with parents-in-law after sending my 2nd BIL off to BKK... for army exercise. keke...
Hard to take nice shot there... esp. with a hp camera.
Last night, we went for dinner at Ikea. I was very excited and pointed to hubby,"Dear, I'm gonna get this bed for Xiaobai when we move out! It's fit for our little mighty king!" haha... He totally agreed and was swooned over as well as he saw this. I think my dog will be the happiest dog on earth if he has this. haha....

After walking around to digest our full full dinner... we went to Max Brenner @ Esplandade. It is simply a chocoholic haven!!! We ordered the waffle.... delicious too. We will try their souffle and cakes next time.

This is a picture taken at our Changi T3! Nice, spacious..... went there with parents-in-law after sending my 2nd BIL off to BKK... for army exercise. keke...

Hard to take nice shot there... esp. with a hp camera.

Last night, we went for dinner at Ikea. I was very excited and pointed to hubby,"Dear, I'm gonna get this bed for Xiaobai when we move out! It's fit for our little mighty king!" haha... He totally agreed and was swooned over as well as he saw this. I think my dog will be the happiest dog on earth if he has this. haha....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Something stupid just happened. Can't believe it and hubby was just laughing at me. Scenario goes like this....
hubby using my desktop. so I used his laptop to surf and plonked myself into the armchair. was surfing alright for a while....
Then suddenly no internet connection.... the pages displayed error message.
So I click on the "diagnose problem" link....
Diagnose halfway.... i select our wireless modem and click connect.
Message came out:"No wireless card detected" so our conversation started like this.
Me: Erm, where's ur laptop wireless button huh? internet got problem lei. (while I turned the laptop 270degrees to find the damn button).
Hubby: Aiyo, it's here lah. Your tummy too big and press the wireless button off.
the button was located at the edge where my tummy and the laptop comes into contact. it's kinda funny.
Me: Can you be more sympathetic towards the situation?
hubby: It's the fact mah. It's ur tummy that off the button. You wanna try again?
Me: duh!
I seldom use his laptop so really don't know how to lower volume and location of the various buttons.
Ok, enuf of the stupid nonsense....
Went for gynae checkup last thurs. did a detailed scanning of the baby. the baby was very shy when scanning for the gender. haha... It's a boy.
These days, the lingo they use is prince and princess... for boy and girl.
Tummy is getting bigger these days... round round...
And I think I started to feel the baby's movements last night. just while I was lying on the bed getting ready to sleep. It's not some violent kicks. but that I feel something seems to be moving inside me. got me kinda excited... keke...
my close girl friends are excited for me as well to meet up. I can't wait to meet them too. guess it will be CNY then. Time flies... work work work and the days just flies pass in the twinkle of the eye.
To Theresa who's so excited & worried about her O-level results tomorrow. Wish her the best of LUCK tomorrow! be cool gal.... =)
Wish to update more. but guess I'll take a rest for now...
muackz and gd nite!
hubby using my desktop. so I used his laptop to surf and plonked myself into the armchair. was surfing alright for a while....
Then suddenly no internet connection.... the pages displayed error message.
So I click on the "diagnose problem" link....
Diagnose halfway.... i select our wireless modem and click connect.
Message came out:"No wireless card detected" so our conversation started like this.
Me: Erm, where's ur laptop wireless button huh? internet got problem lei. (while I turned the laptop 270degrees to find the damn button).
Hubby: Aiyo, it's here lah. Your tummy too big and press the wireless button off.
the button was located at the edge where my tummy and the laptop comes into contact. it's kinda funny.
Me: Can you be more sympathetic towards the situation?
hubby: It's the fact mah. It's ur tummy that off the button. You wanna try again?
Me: duh!
I seldom use his laptop so really don't know how to lower volume and location of the various buttons.
Ok, enuf of the stupid nonsense....
Went for gynae checkup last thurs. did a detailed scanning of the baby. the baby was very shy when scanning for the gender. haha... It's a boy.
These days, the lingo they use is prince and princess... for boy and girl.
Tummy is getting bigger these days... round round...
And I think I started to feel the baby's movements last night. just while I was lying on the bed getting ready to sleep. It's not some violent kicks. but that I feel something seems to be moving inside me. got me kinda excited... keke...
my close girl friends are excited for me as well to meet up. I can't wait to meet them too. guess it will be CNY then. Time flies... work work work and the days just flies pass in the twinkle of the eye.
To Theresa who's so excited & worried about her O-level results tomorrow. Wish her the best of LUCK tomorrow! be cool gal.... =)
Wish to update more. but guess I'll take a rest for now...
muackz and gd nite!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Visit to Gynae_Looking forward
Both Allan and I always look forward to our monthly gynae checkup. haha... talking about all this brings a smile to my face no matter what. =) It is just so wonderful to see the little one growing bigger each time and the movements. And also, I'm going to take the day off. In need of a day off to just relax and spend some time with hubby. been quite busy with other aspects of work. has been OT-ing for the past few days to finish off some urgent stuff at work. at least that's done.
These days, I have been waking up at like 5plus and then can't really get back to sleep. just waiting for alarm to go off at 7.15am. Kaoz! Don't know why this is happening. But luckily, still can function normally at work thou I yawn more often. but cracking jokes at work does help to keep the spirit up. hoho... I'm just thinking is it to train new mothers to have less sleep?
Things that I'm observing changing in me:
1) Don't talk about gaining weight. It's definite. gaining more flesh everywhere.
2) Feel that my tummy has a very tight sensation at times. Like the tummy skin is expanding....
3) A feeling I'm not quite togehter... starting to be abit scattered-brain, forgetful...
4) Hungry easily.
5) Blocked nose (didn't know it was a sympton till I read it in my "reference" book)
6) Feel breathless easily.
Anticipating to feel the baby's 1st kick. keke... should be soon.
I bought a book end of last year which I feel is pretty good and informative. You can have most of your queries answered in this book. And it tells you month by month what to expect. The kind of query you might have at different stage and the answer to that. Recommended for expecting friends.
Sometimes I get scared off by the thought of giving birth. Seems so scary. Especially when I read about episiotomy or what. Gosh! I can't believe i type the word. haha... getting cranky again. Think I better not worry unnecessarily. And I believe the excitement tomorrow will push these thoughts away at least for awhile.
I really should turn in now. super shag. I will know my baby's gender tomorrow then it's really time to think of a proper name.... (*-*)
Gd nite the little one, I will see u tomorrow!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My thoughts....
Well well well... finally got time to upload pictures. Really busy these few weeks. After vacation then back to work. Phew! Lotsa work to do man. But I will pull through! And with my very sweet IA students. I have got 2 gals attached to me for one of my project and they are as sweet as honey. lol... their email to me goes from "Hi dear lead,....." to the 2nd email of the day "Hi dearest lead,....". So i asked them what's next? dearestest? keke... they said they will go look for more bombastic loving words. We have been working very hard this couple of weeks. And time seems to fly past. 29 more days and their attachment is over. Gonna miss them when they are not around.
For you pals who sees my dress sense suddenly switching to like not so me. Don't worry. I'm fine. Just that I'm pregnant. So gotta change wardrobe. Most stuff can't fit now. Erm, now I'm about 17 weeks... next week gg for the detailed scanning liao! Can see my baby again! and also to confirm the gender. so exciting! Allan also enjoys going to gynae visits with me. how i know? He can ask me twice a day when's my next gynae checkup? I mean for a single day lah... not everyday. But guys who ask like that means he really cares alot. moreover, he's not the lor-so type. haha...
Getting tired again these days... but at least still have motivation to work. luckily...
Find that the night is too short these days. in a while, it's bedtime. then it's time to work. argh! we really spend too much time working!
Lotsa catchup to do with friends...but haven't organise yet. Next fri, my colleagues had organised a karaoke session! i'm going to sing sing sing!
That's all for now!
For you pals who sees my dress sense suddenly switching to like not so me. Don't worry. I'm fine. Just that I'm pregnant. So gotta change wardrobe. Most stuff can't fit now. Erm, now I'm about 17 weeks... next week gg for the detailed scanning liao! Can see my baby again! and also to confirm the gender. so exciting! Allan also enjoys going to gynae visits with me. how i know? He can ask me twice a day when's my next gynae checkup? I mean for a single day lah... not everyday. But guys who ask like that means he really cares alot. moreover, he's not the lor-so type. haha...
Getting tired again these days... but at least still have motivation to work. luckily...
Find that the night is too short these days. in a while, it's bedtime. then it's time to work. argh! we really spend too much time working!
Lotsa catchup to do with friends...but haven't organise yet. Next fri, my colleagues had organised a karaoke session! i'm going to sing sing sing!
That's all for now!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Guess where are we? We are in Shanghai! Which part of it???
A clue given from my fingers... X stands for? XINTIAN DI! Erm... not very impressed with it. A few eateries... not very happening lei.
I like this pic... althou I can't remember what was I smiling at. haha....
Finally we found somewhere decent to drink coffee. Paul - a french cafe. Bon appetit!
My latte and croissant... the latte is yummy
You can see the "it's yummy" look yah? haha... it was just shiok. sitting al fresco and sipping my coffee in such cool weather. Of course there's a warmer beside us....
Self-shot of us....
A street shot.
a pic at an alley in Xintiandi. lotsa pple takes pic here. so here I am!
This area is call Cheng huang miao lao jie where there's the super famous Nan Xiang xiaolong bao. Wa pian! The queue is super duper long. I have not seen such a long Q in SG for food before. Tot Singaporeans are already super kiasu.
Our wonderful tour guide bought the xiaolongbao for us. It is yummy! touched sia...
Before it got dark, we walked around and saw an Empress Dowager. Spot it?? =P
Jinmao Da Sha (Grant Hyatt Hotel) gg up 88 observation deck to view Shanghai.
It was opened by Jiang Ze Min in 1999.
But alas, the only view from above is the Pearl Tower opposite. due to the drizzle and cold weather (fogging). disappointing man....
So took a picture with the "picture" with wallpaper instead.
Our last day in shanghai. took a train to Jinmao Da Sha area again. We gg to the Grand Hyatt lounge.
Walking past the Pearl Tower as we walked from LuJiaZui mrt station to Grand Hyatt.
In Grand Hyatt hotel....
To get to Cloud 9 (the lounge at 87th floor). 1st, must find the lift to the hotel lobby at 54 storey. Then find the other lift that takes you to 87th floor...
Finally reached CLOUD 9!!! It's a recommended must-go place for me in Shanghai!
Their menu... we ordered latte and finger food.
US at the lounge. The view is really great.. At least much better than the 88th observatory tower the other day....I was so busy taking pictures at the scenary after ordering our food..and the sofa was very comfy.
That is the Pearl tower and Shanghai city....
This is Huangpu river.... it is also the Pudong area. said to be China's best fengshui place. China became prosperous after developing this Pudong area. That's when Shanghai becomes the fastest developing city in China.
Our last day in shanghai. took a train to Jinmao Da Sha area again. We gg to the Grand Hyatt lounge.
In Grand Hyatt hotel....
Their menu... we ordered latte and finger food.
US at the lounge. The view is really great.. At least much better than the 88th observatory tower the other day....I was so busy taking pictures at the scenary after ordering our food..and the sofa was very comfy.
That is the Pearl tower and Shanghai city....
This is Huangpu river.... it is also the Pudong area. said to be China's best fengshui place. China became prosperous after developing this Pudong area. That's when Shanghai becomes the fastest developing city in China.
Another shot....
Oh ya, that's my chicken wings.... honey wings with sesame.
Another shopping place in Shanghai. Nanjing bu xing jie.... lotsa shopping centers and big snack shops!
Taken at Ajisen ramen. There's lotsa Ajisen there. but I thank god for that. cos it was my comfort food for the last 2 days. This and MacDonalds.
Their nightscenes....
The biggest coca-cola I've ever seen!
Taken at Ajisen ramen. There's lotsa Ajisen there. but I thank god for that. cos it was my comfort food for the last 2 days. This and MacDonalds.
The biggest coca-cola I've ever seen!
Me in Shanghai street! with my new boots!
The neon billboards.... hubby likes it alot and took lotsa pic....
The neon billboards.... hubby likes it alot and took lotsa pic....
A super funny signboard in their shopping center. Look at their English description and see if you can make out what they mean in Chinese. We had a good laugh... pretty entertaining. so I quickly took a pic.
This is the train ride back to Pudong Airport. It's super fast. 300km/h. actually feel abit sad... sad to part with my tour-mates. they are really fun! But all things must come to an end yah?
Ok, this is miscellaneous shot. Just to take a shot of my very pregnant belly. haha.... purposely stand sideway.
China Part II *-^
At Hangzhou West Lake.... really scenic....
This picture is more to capture the shadows of the trees in the water....
My wonderful tour-mates.... you should click on the picture to enlarge it. haha....
At LeiFeng Ta (pagoda). This pagoda was constructed as it was being ruined. Took lotsa picture on its history. but lazy to upload.... but it's really cool inside. There's lift to take u to fourth floor. and from fourth to fifth floor(the highest), forgot u getta climb the stairs.
Me at the signboard. enough said...
Hubby among the autumn foliage...
In Hangzhou, the Longjing tea plantation is also pretty famous... They claimed that Westlake Longjing tea is one of the best... but the price is also super-ex... but my first time to a tea plantation though... but I must admit their tea is really fragrant and nice.
This pair of hairy crab tells us that I'm in Wuzhen. a small town that looks like Venice of the East to me. The town is really like those old "wu xia" show. the below pictures will tell u why. Anyway, my 1st time eating hairy crabs... It's for those who like crab roe. so nay, it's not for me. Expensive and not much flesh. But compared to those in SG, it's considered pretty cheap for its size liao. that's what hubby said.
This is Wuzhen in the morning. We reached there at 9pm. and we couldn't wait to explore the place in the morning.
This pic was taken before we left Wuzhen... I must say the stay is too short. Should stay one more night. Do go there if you have a chance. You feel like you are staying in "ke zhan" aka Inn like those gongfu show. One Inn has around 7 rooms. And there really is a landlord for each inn!!! How amazing yah?
This pic was taken before we left Wuzhen... I must say the stay is too short. Should stay one more night. Do go there if you have a chance. You feel like you are staying in "ke zhan" aka Inn like those gongfu show. One Inn has around 7 rooms. And there really is a landlord for each inn!!! How amazing yah?
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