1) A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement. 2)Temporary madness or delirium. 3) A mania; a craze.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
So What Can I Do @ Blogspot
The owner of this blog jots down how she can help the world. Pretty interesting I thought!
I finally went to visit the blog now and would like to share with those of you who are reading.
How we can save a life, the earth, etc. There's a wide range of topics here and there.
How to Free Your Mind caught my eye and wants to paste it here....
* Free yourself from fear.
* Free yourself from guilt.
* Free yourself from anger.
* Free yourself from worry.
* Free yourself from shame.
* Free yourself from blame.
* Free yourself from jealousy.
* Free yourself from insecurity.
* Free yourself from frustration.
* Free yourself from oppression.
* Free yourself from judgmentalism.
* Free yourself from other people's expectations.
* Free yourself from other people's issues and baggage.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
HEN's Nite @ Zouk for Bride-to-Be Kelly
Haven't chiong for like 5 years or so. felt lost when I first reached Zouk. haha.... actually I lost my way around the area too. =P
We played games and what the losers gotta do was to drink! Found one drink that I like => Apple Shooter! taste like apple juice... I didn't drink much thou. mostly due to my subconscious telling me better don't drink too much cos gotta drive home. And also because luck was on my side. I didn't lose a single game. woa haha...
The fun part came when the sistas came prepared with a card with 10 items that Kelly had to "accomplish". Punishment? What else but Drink^ So some items on the list ranged from easiest: Get 3 lighters to er.... Doing a hot dance with a guy (on the platform). She accomplished all in record timing except for one... But this one, bo pian arh. the challenge is to get a peck on the cheek from a guy. We swooned the whole Zouk to find a handsome one for her. Tsk! Not a single one. but we spotted one not-bad ang-moh but Kelly rather down a drink. haha....
Actually that's a group of guys having their Bachelor's night as well. Let's say there was some form of interaction between the 2 groups. from downing lamborginis, apple shooters, tequila neat & Kelly getting them to accomplish her task. So some of the tasks Kelly just had to find them, blink and flutter her eyelids at them and da-da, task accomplished!~ Some good clean fun...
Noticed that Zouk wasn't really very crowded yesteday. It seemed smaller to me, maybe my memory was too faded. hehe... down a bottle of evian before driving home yesterday.
Came home and somehow couldn't open my bedroom door. gotta call honey up to open the bloody door. he said it's not locked but I couldn't open. whatever! washed up and we chatted abit. He was worried if I'm hungry and if I needed supper. guess what... we went for prata at 3 plus AM in the morning. felt like we were back to our dating days. super late supper. ;)
Back to bed at 4am for sleep cos gotta drive him to work in the morning at 9am.
p/s: Will upload the pics when I rec'd it. =)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
**1st Wedding Anniversary**
Us having our dinner at Cafe Brio....
Hubby prepared this caesear salad himself with lotsa prawn. Can't see the veggies yah?
My self-shot. trying to capture the hotel behind us. it's difficult though.
My Bewildered Look! after the show...
arh.... finally a proper shot! after the movies heading for dinner.....
Woke up, laze around and both of us started brainstorming what to do... i suggested watching "No Reservations". Always wanted to catch this movie together with him. We decided to go Waterfront Copthorne for buffet dinner. Alas, Great World didn't have this show. Also we only decided to catch movie at 3pm. In the end, we watched "I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry". There's alot of gayish content. Pretty hilarious... at times touching too. Recommended!
Although it's just a movie and dinner thingy, might just be what other couples are doing weekly. But still feel sweet nonetheless... He prepared a "caesear salad" for me at the buffet. I made a huge card for him... presented it to him 2 weeks ago. couldn't contain the excitement after making it. duh! haha.... *it encompasses some encouragement for him so i just presented it to him when he switched his job.* ;)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Rainy Sunday Morning
Hubby has been working yesterday and today. I stayed at home to do some housekeeping and stuff like that. very guai... haha...
I will be going to my mum's place later in the afternoon to give her mooncake and tonight we are most probably going to my cousin place for BBQ!
Just saw some pics that I took my nieces in my camera so here you go....
I carried Natalie ( the small one) to my room and then together they took the pic! Do they look alike?
Asked Tiffany if she wanna take a shot with me and she quickly replied YES! Guess what I proposed? Come, let's lie down on the bed together and take pic. Cos I had to do it DIY and decided on this new pose. Haha... Nice??? Too bad we got many barangs above our head. =P
My Goal today is to archive my photos properly....
If got time, to archive my MP3 as well.
Monday, September 17, 2007
My Saturday... calm and peace
Remember I was lamenting that I need a break... I guessed I had it last Saturday....
I headed to Vivo for a super-late lunch @ 4plus or erm..."Hi-tea" at Cedele. Bought a Mushroom quiche which I felt would be suited to share with someone... and a cup of tea. Then I headed to Page One straight after that. And the best thing is => It's just right above Cedele. just an escalator away. Grabbed 3 mags and 4 books and my search for the perfect spot to browse through my books begin. Managed to find a bench just beside the full bay window. Overlooking the sea, watching the cable cars going to and fro b/w harbourfront and Sentosa, the cloudy skies, the "famous" junk boat. I can see even the deck below where friends/couples go for a walk or just stand that to take in the breeze. When I'm by myself, I seemed to be more observant towards surrounding people and their emotions.
I sat there browsing through the materials for about an hour when Hubby called to say he would be fetching me. =) elated to see him although I could still sit there for another hour. haha...
I find it a joy to spend my late afternoon like this. Where I can ponder my own thoughts. grab whatever book I feel like reading. just do whatever I want to do. I feel happy to see others be they couple, friends or family enjoying their afternoon leisurely. looking at the sea...listening to the music in the bookstore. and finally returning to the arms of hubby. It just gave me the peace within me. the balance in my mind.
http://www.pageonegroup.com/ <=It's cool! Check this out. ;)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The I.A. students....

Let me introduce them from L to R. Derrick, WeiSiang, Lau Khee Yuan(aka LKY), Eddie.
It's weird that the 4 IA students can click well... Well, we have seen their growth during their internship. They are like "little brothers" whom might amazed us at times with their jokes and thoughtfulness. At times, bullied by us too... Some background on them...
Derrick: In Police now. Very thoughtful, sensitive and sensible guy (aka SNAG)... he's like the elder bro of Khee Yuan. Will nag at him when he doesn't "behave" properly. haha...
WeiSiang: Entered army on 14-Sep. We have asked him to join Superstar cos his singing prowess is unbelievable! With lotsa emotion and he can even sing female songs very well... put us to shame man. hee.... Vanity is his nickname. haha...
Khee Yuan: One who doesn't talk much. But once he talks, it's straight to the point. And he doesn't mince his words. This is one guy who is really determined especially when it comes to saving his money. Good, keep it up! your 5-digits will turn to 6-digits one day.
Eddie: The only one who's still studying (doing his final year in Computer Engineering @ NTU). He's one easy-going guy who was able to mix with my colleagues and the IA students the first two days he was here. We somehow felt as if he was there for awhile. It showed he is able to adapt very quickly. He's the "oldest" one among them but the 1st day he came in, we thought he's like 20. haha... We will trade makan places once in a while for new experiences...
They do still meet us for lunch once in a while when they are free... I think my department and them had alot of bonding especially with my boss counselling and stuff like that. haha...
Till then.... Take care guys! Good luck in your army and studies! =)
What to do this weekend? Hmm....
It's me & myself on this Saturday. Hubby will be working today and tomorrow from 10am till 6pm. SO.... what should I do? haha.... I have alot of ideas... MIL jio-jio me do pineapple tarts but since she's going out later, I suggest tomorrow.
I'm thinking of going facial (I still have a free session at Hougang Mall).
My wish is to hang out on a leisurely afternoon by myself at Vivo. Think I have mentioned it in my previous blog. Cedele and Page One. Perhaps I can head to Vivo after the facial? haha...
And I want to watch the show Waitress.... i'm actually a fan of Keri Russell... since her Felicity days... And right now, it's exclusively at The Cathay and Orchard Cineleisure only... That will have to do on another day, I think....
No Reservations is another show that I want to watch but I'd rather wait for hubby to watch together.....
I'm not bored.... just planning how to spend my weekend the way I want it. ;)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Need a break?
Actually I'm exhausted mentally as well. I have the "don't care" attitude this week. Of course, work is still work. but the extra "can-do" attitude seems to reside behind the tired mind and body. Where has my mantra went to? Those in my msn title... haiz
Lots of thoughts...
Maybe it's my lifestyle. Sometimes thought of living the healthy lifestyle where I would exercise at least alternate days. trying to slot time into my daily life to achieve it.
Maybe it's my diet. Should try to eat healthily? less fried food. more fresh food. Eating salmon sashimi daily would be a good idea?! haha... I was just thinking about this road down when I happened to see Cedele's executive director featured in today's Mind Your Body. I totally adored their food man! It's healthy, not very expensive and yummy! You guys should try their food man~
Maybe I should go on a holiday... I still have some leave to clear. But no idea where to go. And how much should I allocate. Hmm... don't have much budget too. and who to go with... hubby will have to focus on his new career. I felt I should be here beside him but I also feel like taking a short break.
There are too many "maybe-this", "maybe-that". I simply have no energy to sit down and think/plan. I really need this weekend to come. Maybe then I will head to the beach, relax and think about all these. Or trek in MacRitchie reservoir? Haha... perhaps I have been thinking too much...
time to head right back into his arms...
Sweet dreams tonight!
So to my surprise when I reached home, MIL told me hubby is reaching Singapore soon. My Gosh, I was ecstatic for awhile man! It was a surprise! I didn't call hubby as our agreement was that he would sms me when he checked into hotel tonight. So I have no idea at all!
Felt very happy to see him. He bought KFC back. So that was my 2nd round of dinner. argh, it's causing abit of stomach upset. think I over-ate. well... when I feel elated, I guess I just eat. took one piece of chicken although I just had my dinner. hee...
My sweet baby is sleeping very soundly now... It certainly feels good to have him beside me. I'm sure we'll have sweet dreamz tonight.
Well, our One year anniversary is coming up soon... I'm planning some surprises which I shall keep mum first, in case he happens to read my blog before it comes. Shh... reminds me of Secret "bu ke yi shuo de mi mi" by Jay Chou. =P
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Drizzling Morning.. .awoken by my dog.
So I decided to just wake up and surf the net. I can laze around the whole day cos it's the Weekend!
Allan has changed career. He will be moving to be an Estate Agent for private property on 17-Sep. Last day of work in current company will be 14-Sep.
These few Saturdays, Allan has already started going for his new career training so I usually hang out at home. But somehow time seemed to fly as well. It's like eat breakfast, read papers, watch tv then it's already mid afternoon. hehe...
Had prata with hubby just now at our area before he heads for his training....
Well, gonna send my shoes for repair later...
Oh ya, I went to the Page One bookshop at Vivo yesterday. You should take a look there if you happen to be there. It's really BIG and there are actually benches at the window facing the sea! Saw some pple reading books there. That would be an indulgence man.... to read a book by the sea (albeit with aircon). hee...
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Blogging at McCafe
We came by Orchard so I decided to hang out at Shaw McCafe cos carpark is free here. haha I need to get a cuppa man! After ordering our drinks, I saw that Mos Burger is still open. Guess what? Went in to grab a large pack of FRIES. Yummy!!! Saw a friend who used to be my supplier at Creative. Chatted while waiting for my fries.
Hmm... listening to the catchy tunes... blogging while sipping my latte. Suddenly it reminded me of Carrie from Sex & the City except that she smokes while writing her article.
That's all for now... bye.......