These few days seem to have flew past. Too many things going on... Before I knew it, tomorrow is a Wednesday. My team left early today @ 3pm for a "Take-a-break and celebrate" session to The Minds at Boat Quay for games. I was rushing to type my out-of-office message and guess what I wrote:
I will be out of office from 3pm onwards on 30th March.Pls leave me an email and I will get back to you tomorrow.
I didn't realise this until I sent an email using my yahoo account to my office email and saw my own OOO message. Shit! Not Feb but March! What was I thinking? I was rushing out my 6-Sigma report thingy and rushed to type this message before leaving office. Argh!
Father-in-law went into hospital last Sunday. Received a call from MIL on Sunday at around 8.30am that FIL had fainted while they were in MacRitchie Reservoir. He was then admitted to TTS hospital. We went down and he had to be admitted as there's bleeding from large intestines. We were quite worried as this is the 3rd time. if an operation is requird, it will be a major one.
Thank god, after scope and X-ray, stomach and large intestines are OK! He came home today at 4plus. We visited FIL yesterday after work and were so relieved to hear that the scope showed that his body is OK.
Before that, Allan was abit perturbed because we don't know exactly what is the extent of FIL condition. I felt worried and prayed that everything would be alright. Suddenly, I thought we cannot take good health for granted. And also, we must remember to spend quality time with our families. Do Not Take Things For Granted.
We viewed a flat at Serangoon and liked it! High floor, lift level, squarish layout, breezy, entire house is parquet except for kitchen. Just not a corner unit though. Alot of people viewing it last Sat when we were there. Valuation is out today. $300K and the owner is asking 28K above valuation! Very expensive... We put in our bid already.
Let's see how it goes... Will update again. =)
1) A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement. 2)Temporary madness or delirium. 3) A mania; a craze.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
New Majestic Hotel
I just found out a new chic chinese restaurant yesterday night. Ever heard of New Majestic Hotel? It's located at Bukit Pasoh (very near to People Park). It's actually a boutique hotel and there is a restaurant inside called The Majestic Restaurant. The ambience is really nice and relaxing. The "sponsor" aka 2nd BIL booked a room and I like the light fixture. Hmm.... I didn't take any picture cos I feel "pai sei". Anyway, I will post the link for your reference.
The food quality is pretty top-notched. He ordered a dinner for each of us which cost $65+++/pax. 1st Scallop sashimi, I like it although most of them doesn't. 2nd dish, shark's fin soup (the soup base is really tasty. Shark's bones were boiled for long time till it turned milky white). I was actually quite full after downing the soup. 3rd dish: food platter which consists of Fried Oyster, Wasabi prawn and char siew. Erm, i must say their fried oyster is very well done cos I'm an anti-oyster person. But I ate it whole. Of course I enjoyed Wasabi prawn the most for this dish. 4th dish is steamed sea perch with "mei cai" or plum vegetable. Not sure what to call it. The taste is delicious. 5th is actually my least favourite dish => Lamb shang with a bit of mee. This is my 1st time eating lamb meat in my entire life. But they were saying they had prepared the dish very well so the lamb smell is more or less gone. 3 slices and I managed to finish 2. MIL said it's good for the body. So here I am. Not too bad but if given a choice, I will skip it.
Lastly, the dessert, we were given a menu to choose from. I chose puree of Avocado with ice-cream and sago.
All in all, the food is fusion style. Food ingredient is superb. Price is worth paying for if you are ready to splurge it on an occassion!
The food quality is pretty top-notched. He ordered a dinner for each of us which cost $65+++/pax. 1st Scallop sashimi, I like it although most of them doesn't. 2nd dish, shark's fin soup (the soup base is really tasty. Shark's bones were boiled for long time till it turned milky white). I was actually quite full after downing the soup. 3rd dish: food platter which consists of Fried Oyster, Wasabi prawn and char siew. Erm, i must say their fried oyster is very well done cos I'm an anti-oyster person. But I ate it whole. Of course I enjoyed Wasabi prawn the most for this dish. 4th dish is steamed sea perch with "mei cai" or plum vegetable. Not sure what to call it. The taste is delicious. 5th is actually my least favourite dish => Lamb shang with a bit of mee. This is my 1st time eating lamb meat in my entire life. But they were saying they had prepared the dish very well so the lamb smell is more or less gone. 3 slices and I managed to finish 2. MIL said it's good for the body. So here I am. Not too bad but if given a choice, I will skip it.
Lastly, the dessert, we were given a menu to choose from. I chose puree of Avocado with ice-cream and sago.
All in all, the food is fusion style. Food ingredient is superb. Price is worth paying for if you are ready to splurge it on an occassion!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Relaxing Evening....Ruined by HDB website
Haven't been going facial for quite some time. Had been pretty tied-up with work so it's quite hard to predict when I'm free to go. Suddenly Michelle and I had an impromptu thought to go Passage for facial tomorrow. Called and realised tomorrow is fully booked but there were 2 slots today! So tada! There we went. I can always count on Passage to provide a very relaxing facial session as compared to New York Skin Solution. But of course Passage charge a very high rate. Better not state how much *in case Allan come and see it. hee...* but I won't continue their package after it ends. If you are interested to find out more, let me know.
But my relaxing day ended just now when I went into HDB website to apply for HLE (Housing Loan Eligibility). Currently, we are looking to buy a resale flat around my in-laws place. So our agent advised us to apply for this first so we can exercise our option to purchase anytime. Saw in the newspaper that some couple got to give up because their HLE is not ready by the time they want to exercise the option (meaning to buy). If any of you knows of relative or friends wanting to sell flat near Serangoon mrt station, pls let me know! It's a pretty exclusive area and not much pple selling these days. So wait and see for now. But I think more pple will sell after CNY.
Not that I want to condemn Government website but it really sucks! Big TIME! Wanted to curse and swear just now. I still can feel my blood boil. We keyed in the information that is required. And guess what? Must print out and sign.
Nevermind... Then it keep stating everywhere must submit supporting documents with your endorsed form. But nowhere states WHAT EXACTLY ARE THE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS?! God knows man. Till I click somewhere finally stated ,"must submit income statement". ANyway, they have a rating button at the bottom of the page and I have rated it the lowest => Below Average already. Keyed in my comments but I doubt anything will come out of it. Allan's company doesn't issue income statement so I wrote an email to them to ask if CPF Contribution statement counts.
Aiyo, I really really cannot tahan our govt website at times. One suggestion: They should engage Userability Engineers to ensure their website are user-friendly.
My target: To get a flat hopefully before June 2007! hee...
But my relaxing day ended just now when I went into HDB website to apply for HLE (Housing Loan Eligibility). Currently, we are looking to buy a resale flat around my in-laws place. So our agent advised us to apply for this first so we can exercise our option to purchase anytime. Saw in the newspaper that some couple got to give up because their HLE is not ready by the time they want to exercise the option (meaning to buy). If any of you knows of relative or friends wanting to sell flat near Serangoon mrt station, pls let me know! It's a pretty exclusive area and not much pple selling these days. So wait and see for now. But I think more pple will sell after CNY.
Not that I want to condemn Government website but it really sucks! Big TIME! Wanted to curse and swear just now. I still can feel my blood boil. We keyed in the information that is required. And guess what? Must print out and sign.
Nevermind... Then it keep stating everywhere must submit supporting documents with your endorsed form. But nowhere states WHAT EXACTLY ARE THE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS?! God knows man. Till I click somewhere finally stated ,"must submit income statement". ANyway, they have a rating button at the bottom of the page and I have rated it the lowest => Below Average already. Keyed in my comments but I doubt anything will come out of it. Allan's company doesn't issue income statement so I wrote an email to them to ask if CPF Contribution statement counts.
Aiyo, I really really cannot tahan our govt website at times. One suggestion: They should engage Userability Engineers to ensure their website are user-friendly.
My target: To get a flat hopefully before June 2007! hee...
Friday, January 19, 2007
To call a happy place within myself
It's been a long time since I really really had the time to sit down and blog. At times, I read some articles and felt inspired to blog about it. But always felt that there was no time. Work was taking alot of time recently. And it's still gonna be till, I think it's going to last for the entire year. It's a very challenging project because my counterparts are everywhere. It's a 1st collaboration for many of us. Our first with this team of R&D engineers at San Diego. Our first with this group of Procurement engineer(in SG) whom is also their 1st too working with this team of R&D engineers. My first with China Contract Manufacturer (who do the builds) for us.
The time difference and geographical distance with this group of R&D engineers play quite a crucial role in my role. I need to have alot of communication with them. So usually we will do conference call starting from 8.30am (which is their 4.30pm). And it always last till around 11am. Luckily, we have a laptop instead of a desktop. I can bring it back and access emails and complete whatever tasks that I needed to at home too. I know it's not a good habit but it's better than staying back in office till late.
I get frustrations at times when things seem to be in a mess, etc. And the idea of whether you see the cup half filled or half empty comes to my mind. Hmm... I tell myself to always try to see the cup as half filled. It makes things seem not so bad and push me further on.
Read an article by Sumiko Tan on Sunday Times titled Me, myself and mine.
In short, it says No man's an island. But the thing is, you really can't depend on others to make you happy. Sometimes I get disappointed when friends or ex-colleague doesn't meet the expectation that I felt should be there. But having said that, I believe that I do at some point in time or another also "disappoint" them. Because commitment from friends changes as we progress on in life or environment. Proximity in where you stayed or worked with your friends also mattered too! Well, I kinda get used to it after some time. But we know we can always pick it up from where we left, as if we just talked yesterday.
From the article:
"For safer and saner for one to be self-sufficient first, and to be the source of one's own happiness. Of course, you should show empathy and concern towards those around you, and if you can make others feel good, don't stop. Just don't expect or demand for that to be reciprocated."
"How do you inoculate yourself against disappointment?
For me, the answer must be to be more self-sufficient, and the key to that, I reckon, must be to respect yourself more - to find ways to be at peace with yourself and content with what you are and have.
It is also to do with finding what I call a happy place within yourself where you can retreat to, your own safe haven, if you like."
Some quotes from the article that I felt meaningful.
I'm working to achieve that - to call a happy place within myself.
A Video of Tiffany!
It's been a long time since I uploaded any video of Tiffany. Well, she's 2 years plus now and really yakking alot these days! She's very close to Allan and me still. She likes to snuggle up in our bed with us till her parents want to bring her home at times.
Today, she came up and hang around our room for an hour plus or so. Hard to video her these days as she will want me to read books with her on the bed. You know doing this and that. This video is pretty funny. She even laughed at herself when I played it to her. And she made me replayed this video for at least 5 times, I think.
Today, she came up and hang around our room for an hour plus or so. Hard to video her these days as she will want me to read books with her on the bed. You know doing this and that. This video is pretty funny. She even laughed at herself when I played it to her. And she made me replayed this video for at least 5 times, I think.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
My Twin Sister?

My colleague Michelle and I wore the same colour to work yesterday. But this time round, the red colour top and black skirt is too obvious. Everybody that sees us walking together definitely thought we had planned it all! So we kena teased by pple in the lab starting from 9am in the morning till 4 plus. Some thought we were going to some party after work. haha....
My attempt to take a pic of ourselves using mirrors at the lift. Erm.. not very clear.

Our trip to Ikea Tampines on 13rd Jan

I had problem logging into blogspot lately. finally managed to get in with hubby's help. This pic taken while standing outside Ikea.

Their rack is HUGE!!!

Saw this sign near the exit. Felt that it was cute. "Hej da" for now. going to type in my next blog...
Saturday, January 13, 2007
More Pics from DnD
Mich and me! She's in a blue tube top. Nice & Sexy! We were both nominated for the Flame Award - Miss Trendy! haha... BUT we almost fainted when we heard that we gotta perform.... A sexy dance around a chair! ****
Mich was Contestant #2 so there she goes with her sweetie pie dance. haha....
Me not knowing what to do. Move a bit here and there and then walked round the chair. But kena "suan" by the Emcee for keeping sticking out my tongue. Think that's what I do when I really don noe what to do. Argh!
After walking 1 round, I tot that's it. BUT the Emcee said I walked too fast so gotta walked another round! What to do... but to laugh it off first.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
HighLights of 2006!!!
Year 2006 has passed. What are the highlights in my life?
- The Year I married the man of my life! 24.Sep.2006
- Our honey trip to Taiwan that made me appreciate and enjoy Nature! I now appreciate our MacRitchie Reservoir more than before.
- My colleagues at Work whom never fail to lift my mood when I'm down and always lending me her listening ears whenever there's anything bothering me.
- My current 2 darlings beside hubby... Tada! Tiffany & Xiaobai. Sometimes when Allan & I wanna return to our bedroom, Tiffany will want to follow us by running quickly to the staircase and say,"Shen-shen, I also want to go upstairs." I will grab her little hand and proceed. So Tiffany, Allan & I would proceed up and guess what, Xiaobai comes up too! So you can imagine 4 of us going up together to our room. Haha.... Like one big family.
- Lastly, I'm happy to be surrounded by families and friends whom are always there for me. I might not see you guys very often but I will always treasure the fun times that we have whenever we meet up. You know who you are!
- This point is dedicated to Allan. Darling, you are the Most Important in my life! I Love you and thank U for being so thoughtful. Taking care and pampering me to the very best of your abilities. I really appreciate all that you have done. We might have quarrels here n there but to me, that's so to find out more about one another, be it strength or weaknesses. =)

Right now, I'm just happy to be in my cosy little bedroom typing my blog out as I listen to the patter of the raindrops. Can't wait to jump right into bed and snuggle with Allan. And our dog is already snuggling up alone in his armchair "bed" or rather his throne... I just took a peep at him and saw its big brown eyes looking at me.
Goodnight and Sweet dreams....Monday, January 01, 2007
"The Holiday" Movie
Finally watched "The Holiday" today! Thank goodness we managed to catch it... This show is ending soon. You gotta watch this heart-warming romance comedy. Cameron Diaz is so pretty in the show and I find that she's pretty real in the movie. She's got the laughing crows in her eyes. You know that she's not young although she's still very pretty with make-up in her tall & slim build. I sort of assumed that all hollywood actresses will definitely go for Botox to get rid of the lines. So I'm pretty surprised by her au de natural style! And you should see her house in the movie. OMG! It's so big, nice and amazing! Ok, I'm fantasizing for One moment.... I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before but I have a fetish for British accent. I like the way they speak. No slurring or joining of words. Short tones. So I was admiring at Kate Winslet and Jude Law when they speak in the show. Another show that will have strong British accent will be Bridget Jones diary with Renee Zellweger & Hugh Grant in it. Aww...
I went to Ness@Tampines Mall today and they were having some great discounts. Got myself a pants and a top at 50% off!!! My 1st time getting bottoms from there and I like it alot! My clothes for Chinese New Year are all settled!!! I hope this will not be my excuse for shopping. I'm determined not to wear it till then.
Oh ya, coming to my shopping trip last Thurs with my sis. Both of us went to the Isetan private sales and we shopped from 9am to 7pm! Initally, Isetan was not too crowded. By 10plus, it was so horrible that I almost died there! To queue up & pay was terrible. We decided to have our lunch at Mos Burger at 1pm and even there, also have difficulty finding space. I blew my top there but the staff was very good and patient with me. Ok, here comes the scenario. No available tables and a few group of people were looking for tables. There was no queue and nobody said there was a queue. There was this mother and son, a kiddo who were finishing soon. So I walked around and was aiming for them to finish. But of course, I did not stand right beside them. Then I saw that the Mother wanted to grab her things on the floor and I started to walk nearer to her table. She saw me doing that and suddenly sit down again and ask her kid to finish the Meiji milk. I was abit mad at that point in time but I told myself maybe it's coincidence that she wanted to move off and then sit down again. Whatever to soothe my hungry and tired soul. Finally she is moving her ass together with her kid & barangs. So I wanted to chop the 2 seater table while my sis is still collecting her items @ Fancl. Then the Mos Burger staff told me that's a Queue!!?!?!?!
I was like, "What? There's a Queue?" And the staff said another lady had been queueing and she will get the place first and I need to queue. I suspected this lady was after me. I was quite mad inside and got back to them,"Excuse me, may I know where is the Q? I have been here for the past 10 to 15 mins waiting for a table and there's nobody saying there's any Queue." The ever-polite auntie was smiling and asked me to join the Queue and say will get a table for me. WIthin 5 mins, I got my table. Their service is pretty good. Especially with their smiles and polite attitude, I must say. But if there's a queue, it needs to be properly indicated. But I think their store manager got it after what I did. Cos nobody was walking around looking for tables. All have to go through the "Queue system". Well, I'm glad to see that! =)
Anyway, I realised something on that day. and that is "My Sista is a Real Shopping Queen!" I never hear any mention of "feeling tired" from her the whole day. So I find it quite Champion. But I enjoyed being with her nonetheless... We went Isetan, Tangs, Paragon and Far East in that day. Found a new brand called Nicholas at Tangs and I quite like the items. Can take alook if you are there. Pretty much like their stuff. Bought one top @ 50% off too.
I thought of reasons to justify my buying of clothes last week and I came up with one which I thought was pretty good. Let me share this with you. Since I'm not travelling anywhere this holiday, it's OK to spend and shop in Singapore. I mean anyway, go overseas also shop. So I shall take this as a local shopping holiday. haha... Crap! But with no bonuses, etc, I'm trying not to spend unnecessarily. Plus, just coming back from Taiwan 3 months ago only with lotsa purchases liao. Anyway, No More Shopping liao! I'm pretty contented with let me see...3 tops and 2 bottoms purchased so far during this holiday.
Ok, time for me to turn in. Zzzzz....
I went to Ness@Tampines Mall today and they were having some great discounts. Got myself a pants and a top at 50% off!!! My 1st time getting bottoms from there and I like it alot! My clothes for Chinese New Year are all settled!!! I hope this will not be my excuse for shopping. I'm determined not to wear it till then.
Oh ya, coming to my shopping trip last Thurs with my sis. Both of us went to the Isetan private sales and we shopped from 9am to 7pm! Initally, Isetan was not too crowded. By 10plus, it was so horrible that I almost died there! To queue up & pay was terrible. We decided to have our lunch at Mos Burger at 1pm and even there, also have difficulty finding space. I blew my top there but the staff was very good and patient with me. Ok, here comes the scenario. No available tables and a few group of people were looking for tables. There was no queue and nobody said there was a queue. There was this mother and son, a kiddo who were finishing soon. So I walked around and was aiming for them to finish. But of course, I did not stand right beside them. Then I saw that the Mother wanted to grab her things on the floor and I started to walk nearer to her table. She saw me doing that and suddenly sit down again and ask her kid to finish the Meiji milk. I was abit mad at that point in time but I told myself maybe it's coincidence that she wanted to move off and then sit down again. Whatever to soothe my hungry and tired soul. Finally she is moving her ass together with her kid & barangs. So I wanted to chop the 2 seater table while my sis is still collecting her items @ Fancl. Then the Mos Burger staff told me that's a Queue!!?!?!?!
I was like, "What? There's a Queue?" And the staff said another lady had been queueing and she will get the place first and I need to queue. I suspected this lady was after me. I was quite mad inside and got back to them,"Excuse me, may I know where is the Q? I have been here for the past 10 to 15 mins waiting for a table and there's nobody saying there's any Queue." The ever-polite auntie was smiling and asked me to join the Queue and say will get a table for me. WIthin 5 mins, I got my table. Their service is pretty good. Especially with their smiles and polite attitude, I must say. But if there's a queue, it needs to be properly indicated. But I think their store manager got it after what I did. Cos nobody was walking around looking for tables. All have to go through the "Queue system". Well, I'm glad to see that! =)
Anyway, I realised something on that day. and that is "My Sista is a Real Shopping Queen!" I never hear any mention of "feeling tired" from her the whole day. So I find it quite Champion. But I enjoyed being with her nonetheless... We went Isetan, Tangs, Paragon and Far East in that day. Found a new brand called Nicholas at Tangs and I quite like the items. Can take alook if you are there. Pretty much like their stuff. Bought one top @ 50% off too.
I thought of reasons to justify my buying of clothes last week and I came up with one which I thought was pretty good. Let me share this with you. Since I'm not travelling anywhere this holiday, it's OK to spend and shop in Singapore. I mean anyway, go overseas also shop. So I shall take this as a local shopping holiday. haha... Crap! But with no bonuses, etc, I'm trying not to spend unnecessarily. Plus, just coming back from Taiwan 3 months ago only with lotsa purchases liao. Anyway, No More Shopping liao! I'm pretty contented with let me see...3 tops and 2 bottoms purchased so far during this holiday.
Ok, time for me to turn in. Zzzzz....
HAPPY NEW YEAR! On to 2007!
I have been pretty tied up these few days to blog. I thought I would write my last blog entry of yr 2006 last night as I count down. But still couldn't resist rushing down to Tanjong Rhu to count down and view the fireworks in the last minutes. After which we went to Geylang for supper!
Allan is getting more & more sporting in posing pictures for me. hee.... I LIKE IT!
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